Thursday, August 2, 2012

See only good ...

I chose to see only good in you ....
I overlooked the bad ...
I saw the positive ....
I ignored the negative ...
Am suffering  because ....
I believed you....
I still want to believe you ...
But your actions ...
Your actions make me think otherwise.
There are doubts raised ....
But no answers ....
You are just a memory now ....
A bad phase of life....
A nightmare best forgotten ...
But you recur every day ....
Each moment ....
Taunting me ....
Teasing me ....
And that hurts .....
The hurt feelings turn into ....
A raging anger ....
And I smoulder in my rage.

Am turning to ash ....
A hot smoking ash .....
Touch me and you will get burnt ....
A spark from me ...
Would burn your world.

I wish I could forget ....
The hurt and pain you caused ....
I can't ....
How much ever I try ....
I just can't ...
I wish I was dead ....
So that I could forget ....
The moments spent in your arms ....
The moments of pure bliss.

I want to see only good ...
Good in what you did ...
But all I see is ....
Treachery, dishonesty and a venomous snake under the hood.

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