Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This time round....

Leaving all care to wind,I plunge myself once again into the open arms of love...
Rendering my senses senseless , I delve deeper into the poetry of love,
Pondering left for procuring earthly pleasures, I rejoice in finding the lost one again.

This time round, I have no clue how long it will last,
Last it will, a lifetime,
As, this time round it begins on a sound base of friendship...
A friendship that will be the very epitome of eternal love,
Something everyone craves for but fail to achieve.

We have moved from being mere humans in love,
To soul mates dancing to the revelry of life...
A sense of being within each others heart and soul...
A feeling least understood by the world in general.

This time round, there are no expectations...
This time round , there are no explanations...
This time round, there are no questions...
This time round, there are only answers...
For we have evolved as enlightened beings from being mere human.

This time round, there are no promises to keep...
This time round, there are no hearts to break...
This time round, two battered and worn hearts have met...
This time round, they are here to stay...
For they shall not break the unsaid promise they made to themselves...
Come hitherto world, with all your pain and aches...
We shall not be withered again... for we emerge stronger from the pain.

This time round, we walk hand in hand,
For we understand...
This time round, this is our last chance at happiness
It is the right time to harness,
All the power within to seek that blessedness,
That circled us and skirted us and missed us by a hair length...
This time round, there is no looking back,
For we walk side by side as buddies ...
Watching each others back and making space for all things big and small.

This time round, it begins with friendship and a lasting one it shall be.

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