Monday, April 4, 2011


After riding the waves, it's time to lay low. Let the mixed feeling ebb away else the mad rush of high tide might sweep me away. I need some me time to introspect. I need time to think , what I desire from life. I have to become self smart to take on any wave and surf the different waves of life.

At this moment, I feel life has become a big joke, throwing brickbats at times and laying flowers on my path at times. Am confused and confused I am.

I need time to rethink my priorities and logic. All this makes no sense. Suddenly there is too much happening in life and too fast. Need my space to sort out this sudden flush of events.

Basically, plain and simple, I am confused. Period. Can write no more.... the flow of thoughts is way too fast to keep pace with......... Ciao

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