Friday, April 22, 2011


Must confess, am happy..... very happy. Touchwood.
God, may this state of being remain forever.
A feeling, I kept hidden under lock and key for ages,
Waiting for the right key to fit in.
Now that I have found the key, won't lose it again.

The key to happiness is to follow one's heart.
And, that's what I am going to do.
For long, I waited in the corridors,
searching for my loved one.
For long I yearned for him,
to hold me in his arms.

I won't let him go this time,
I won't let him lose his way.
He is too precious to be let loose in this big bad world.
He needs me and I need him.
For long, we searched for each other,
For long, we looked out in vain,
Not this time, no more waiting for the go ahead,
we are beyond all.

We were meant to be together,
we were meant to fuse.
We were meant to experience pain,
To know the true feeling of happiness,
When one gets love.
It's a feeling that remains forever,
giving that sweet ache, that lovers crave for.

Happiness is what has enveloped me,
I don't want to come out of this cloud.
This is a feeling, I can't describe.
Let me live in this bliss.

Happiness, contentment and pure ecstasy.... Thank you for bringing me alive.

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