Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Am not sure...

Am not sure about whatever that's happening these days... am confused.

What's happening? Am behaving like an infatuated teenager once again. No one's gonna like it. At this point in time when my kids should be going through these emotional phases, I am gushing all over and going gaga over lost and found property (oops!).

All those sleepless nights mooning over someone's spoken words have started again.
All those mornings waiting to hear from that someone has started again.
All those sweet nothings being exchanged has started again.

No, this is too good to be true. Somebody pinch me. Wake me up. This is impossible.
Emotions once buried deep are surfacing again and the glow shows on my being.
No, I can't fall in love once again.... not with the same man , twice over.

Someone stop me, before I trip and fall again.
This time round,
am too feeble to recover from a broken heart...
am scared ...
am not alone...

Am not sure.... enlighten me, counsel me but show me the path...
Should I take the tried and tested route to happiness and solitary bliss?
Or should I take this gamble and put all my cards in?
Am not sure....

I have to decide.... but am clueless.. my mind is a jumbled up concoction of a cocktail of emotions... What do I do? Shake it and let it settle down or just pass it up as another tale to tell to my Grandchildren later and shake my head, sigh and say... I wish I had....

If you are reading this, know this for sure.... love you I still,
But am not sure...

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