Thursday, April 14, 2011

More on memories.....

Memories linger on.... good and bad. I embraced my good memories and erased the bad ones. Had to ... the trauma from past relationships was pulling me down... there came a breaking point and I was at the precipice, the end of my journey, with nowhere else to go.... had to let go, to forge new bridges to cross the great abyss. When I took the plunge with faith, I swear the path came into full view and I started treading on it. My good memories helped build the bridge and it's a continuous process. The task of being in harmony and sync with goodness and happier times is an uphill one, but what the heck, am enjoying every bit of the adventure with a great guide by my side. this guide is my good memory, the only good thing I remember from my past......... he brings a smile to my weary lips every time I think of him and it is every second of the day.

Thank you my love, for coming back in my life. If it weren't for you, I would still be trudging the by lanes of memories and feeling sick about it. You have made me forget every ache and pain I felt all these years. You have given me the most memorable moments of my life... my memories to keep forever. These moments, these snippets of memories, I shall cherish forever... coz you are the lead character that makes this play a great success. The stage is set and we are the characters , we enact our roles, get into the skin of our characters and give the best performance of our lives. Let our life and times be a tale to tell for ages to come, seldom are love stories a success.... Ours is what history is made of, what old wives tales are made of.

Our memories, yours and mine would remain etched in the minds of the world. We would be the talk of the town and when our story is passed down from generation to generation, I am telling you my dear, we would find our place in history. We would be a pleasant memory and a great story for lovers, of tomorrow.

You and I, are no more a memory, we will make beautiful memories together.

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