Monday, April 18, 2011

Loving you......

Loving you isn't enough.
Loving you I found the path to pure bliss and heaven.
If heaven looks so beautiful, I wanna remain there forever.
Loving you isn't enough.

I need you ever more so now.
I crave you ever more so now.
If yearning is what this love is all about, I love the pain.
I wanna go on loving you and yearning for you forever.
Loving you isn't enough.

I hold my pillow ever so tight , every night.
I hold onto fantasies that never took flight.
I hold onto memories that fade into the distant night.
Loving you isn't enough for a night..... I need you every night, my Knight.

Loving you, I grew up.
I don't know when I blossomed from a bud into a flower.
Loving you was all I knew.
I searched you in every dark corner of the world.
Loving you, I threw myself into fire,
The flames consumed me but not my desire.
Loving you isn't enough..I love you a lot.

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