Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Love You too...

I love you too ...
I could live in this state of pure bliss forever,
Coz I love you....

You said I was special...
It made no sense......
You said , I had a special place in your heart,
It made no sense...
You said, I love you...
It all made sense.

Suddenly, I was flying...
Pure feel of heaven...
Nothing mattered...
No pain, no aches...
All was forgotten,
What mattered was you and me.....
On a different plane...
Journeying together... forever perhaps.
But, who cares?
It's this moment,
And this moment is a blessing...
A moment of truth...
Let all else lie,
This is my true calling...
To be in the arms of the one,
Whom I sought all along.

We lost out on our youth,
We lost many years struggling,
We lost everything,
Yet we gained each other...
We realized the true meaning of love,
We realized we were made for each other,
If not here, up there somewhere,
But, we had to meet somehow,
Know no despair,
Coz, there is someone up there,
Who felt our pain,
There is a force out there,
Who wrote our fate...
Today, we met in the virtual world,
Tomorrow, we may meet again...
This is the moment,
Savor it, Love it...
For what tomorrow brings,
I know not...
It's this moment,
That means everything...
Live it, love it...
Coz, I love you too.

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