Monday, April 25, 2011

Colours of Spring....

Yes, I am colouring my life's canvas with the colours of spring. Spring with it's various hues of summery colours and bright new leaves and fresh smell of flowers... fragrant and beautiful. What a life? It's a springy lite life.

The colours have invaded my senses. They have made my emotions their home. Am beaming with the shades of bright colours and the glow on my face shows the love in my life. The love that has illuminated the dark corridors of an inglorious past. The love that has given a new meaning to an otherwise dull subsistence.

Love has brought forth a new colour in my list of favourite colours. Earlier the list consisted of shades of black, blue and grey.... today it has pink, cream, yellow, orange, purple, violet, green and white.

The rainbow is mine to keep forever....

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