Thursday, January 31, 2013

It was fun while it lasted ...

Precisely... Ummmm .... about Three hours ...
Just driving on the Western Express Highway ...
Doing nothing at all that would make anyone sit upright ...
Yet, sit straight they did ...
When they became aware of our so called nearness ...
Pure relation ...
Friendship; twisted ...
Three hours nonstop blabbering ...
You driving; me talking ...
No coffee no hot chocolate ...
No dinner as thought of ...
No hunger, no thirst ...
Just two new friends talking ...
Getting over past differences ...
And insecurities ...
Yet, in that innocence ...
Our society ...
Our orthodox ... narrow minded society ...
Our hypocritical society ...
Found food for negative thoughts...
Two new found friends had to separate ...
Just to appease the insecure minds and hearts ...
Same people who claim to be modern ...
Same people who claim to be fast forward ...
Were waylaid by thoughts unheard of.

It was fun while it lasted ...
Found and lost a friend within Twenty Hours ...
But the priceless memories ...
They will ; last till my last breath.

Thank you for being there ...
Thanks for the experience ...
It was beautiful and pure ...
A relation which many crave for ... seek ...
Yet very few experience...
It was fun while it lasted.


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