Wednesday, January 30, 2013

She is but a minion ...

Minuscule... Minute particle .....
Minion of the society ...
Not of my kind or type ...
I abhor any mention of her ....
I am aghast at her stoniness...
Appalled at her meanness ....
Absolutely against ...
Any kind of interaction with her.

Apparently little .... very small ...
Small in my eyes and...
That of the World ...
Does it matter?
Your existence ... is non existent ...
What is it that sets you apart ?
Nothing ... You are a nobody ...
You shall die as one ...
With no honour ... nor valor to speak of ...
Despicable actions ...
The World loathes you ...
Lechers desire your cleavage ...
Nothing else ...
Vermin, rodent ...
Your mortal being has no soul ...
You are but despondent.

Minion on the holy Earth ...
A shame in the name of Womanhood...
Motherhood ...
Sisterhood ...
You deserve no mercy in words too.

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