Monday, January 21, 2013

Sleepless in the City that never Sleeps ...

Here, In the city that never sleeps ...
I lie awake ...
Listening to the song he sang for me ...
I wonder; whether all that was really true ...
His words.... statements that made me believe in Love...
A love that makes me go crazy even thinking of him ...
Wish I could erase him from my memories ...
But a far cry from reality ...
I Just can't ...
It's hard on my feelings ...
Heavy emotions ...
But, I can't forget him ...Because I still believe HIM.

Somewhere deep down a part of me died ....
The day we lost our binding entity ...
But, yet somewhere ....
I still yearn for his return ...
But, will he?

He was trapped in a web ...
I could see his pain ...
His struggle to untangle himself ...
only led to a more excruciating pain ...
I stepped away...
To make it easier for him ..
Even that didn't help ....
He is stuck in a swamp ...
A quicksand .....
How do I help him get out of that trap?

I can't ... I won't ...
He needs to take charge of his situation ...
Be a man ...
And, take stock of the whole damn thing ...
He needs to really make up his mind...
What he really wants....
I or the rest of the World cannot decide for him...
We shouldn't either...
Our paths cross once in a while ...
I see pain in those deeply veiled eyes...
Insurmountable pain ...
I can't wipe away the stress and strain ...
I do not wield those powers anymore ...
I have given up ...
Given up the struggle to protect him and his brethren ...
Given up all hopes of ever walking into the sunset with him ...
But, yet I believe him.

Sleepless in the City that never Sleeps ...
I lie wide awake ...
Thinking of him ...
And those beautiful moments ...
With gay abandon ...
In his company ...
Secure in the knowledge he would always be there....

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