Friday, January 4, 2013

Inner Peace ...

Some take ages and a whole life time ... yet find no peace ... Inner peace .... I have found my peace ... My inner peace.

My inner peace is being happy and content with what I have ... Whatever I wish for .... I get without asking ... isn't that a sign that divine blessings have been bestowed upon me. Next to impossible for some but not for me. Am at peace and content with the way my life is today.

With the love of my life standing tall and regal next to me ... With everything falling in place for me ... I am happy ... Inner peace and calm sweeping over me.

Am overwhelmed with the grace of the supreme being bringing warmth and happiness in my life this Winter .. that this has become a symbol of lasting love to me.

My life coming one full circle ... Moksha attained on Earth. Something people search in vain ... I attained with being a Karmayogi. May seem silly but I believe you get everything here on earth ... Your Heaven and Your Hell here itself.... crystal clear justice.

The power of the Supreme Being cannot be denied ... or overlooked ... The power that brings you your justice here on Earth.

I have attained my Inner Peace ... am happy with the turn of events ... He by my side  ... what else is needed to be successful? Love and peace ... My story ... My life ... A beautiful example ... some events just change the whole story ... Twist the tale in your favour.

My tale ... my Story ... my Inner Peace ... Neither a fable nor a myth ... Blatant Reality.

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