Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rare ... A promise to keep ...

They say promises are made to be broken ...
Not in this case ...
Rare... But true ...
The promises made by him ...
He can't break them ...
He doesn't exist no more to break them ...
He made the promises ...
Never to break them ...
He shall return to keep his word ...
But when? Is the Big Question.

He made hollow promises...
No, he couldn't have...
He ain't like the rest of them...
How do I believe that?
What makes me keep faith in him ...
Blind faith....
They all said, they would return ...
Return they did ... In coffins ...
How can I believe him?
Don't want to see another coffin ...
Another death in the eye ...
Another killing in the eye...
Death of faith and trust ....
Am I cursed...
Accursed life and fate.

Have lost trust in fate ...
It has nothing in store for me ...
But for tears ...
Tears that have dried now ...
No more tears ...
I ask for my share of happiness ...
My share of love...
My share of the Sunshine ...
My share of the cool breeze ...
My share of LIFE.

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