Tuesday, January 22, 2013

When we meet next ...

When we cross path next ...
When we meet across the table ...
Let the Chemistry be known ...
No mask to hide the unshorn emotions ...
No red tapism ...
Pure passion ...
Spilling into the room ...
Tension filled room ...
Made light with our unbound love ...
Love that binds us in a thread ...
That can never be snapped ...
Neither by Human force nor Demonic weapons.

The All mighty and Powerful...
The one who swallowed poison ...
To maintain peace and harmony ...
Your name so symbolic ...
Don't I know you ache within ...
I can see the pain in your eyes...
I can feel it from afar ...
When we meet next ...
Let us smile at each other ...
Let us kiss and makeup.

A far off thought ...
Yet a deep feeling ...
I still harbour your ship of love ....
Somewhere deep within.
Anchored in my heart ...
Shipwrecked in my dreams ...
Your shipment of love unloaded ...
Upon my slim shoulders...
My Love ...
Think no further ...
For I know you still crave me...
Our passion ...
The colour Red ...
Awaits us.

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