Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Indulgence ...

Sweet indulgence ...
Sour facts ...
Bitter Truth ....
Indulgence none the less.

Indulging in small talks ...
Gossip so to say ...
Not my forte' ...
Yet, I spake the truth when need arose.

Indulgence in my need to say it all ...
To blurt out what is ...
May be antagonizing to some ...
Yet brings me peace.

Indulgence in shopping ...
Spending hard earned money ...
What the heck! I earn it ...
I have every right to do as I please.

Catharsis .... The answer to all indulgences ...
Living the vice and life ...
Maybe a sinner yet truthful all the time.

Am no stranger to pain ...
Pain is an indulgence ...
A sadist to the core ...
I bet, none sports this indulgence.

Chocolat' ... a grave disaster for mankind....
Indulge in its sinful existence ...
Forge your own subliminal life.

My vice to the core ... Chocolat'...
My prime indulgence ...
I indulge in a warfare over it ...
Devising ways to devour it ...
Be it with sugary gooey stuff oozing out ...
Or in Roast Chicken with spices from South.

Indulgence galore...
Shoes, clothes to some extent ...
But, shoes YES!

Open my wardrobe ...
Shoes tumble out ...
Walk through the corridor...
Careful! You might stumble over one.

Many more such innocent vices ...
Many more to explore ...
For the time being enough is said...
On my indulgences alone.

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