Thursday, January 24, 2013

Life ... A door ...

Life's like a door ...
What's behind it is not known ...
An uncharted unknown territory ...
A space unexplored.

We all know what is in front of us ...
But behind closed doors...
What lies ...
Is a mystery.

Someone looking at the door ...
To my life from the other side ...
What is on this side of that door ...
Which I have closed to the World ...
Can't make a judgement on who I am...
I am what my experiences have groomed me to become...
I am my Life's challenges outcome...
I am the end result of a series of experiments ...
A never ending series ...
Still ongoing experiments ...
Guinea pigs, we all are...
We all shall remain so ...
Till the end of our days....
Animals in the lab of the almighty ...
Primates being worked upon ...
Tested upon ...
Some come out with flying colours ...
Rest perish in vain.

A door ... to heaven or hell ...
What decides the fate ...
Is your grit and determination ...
To make it till the end of the race.

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