Friday, January 4, 2013

Impotent potency ...

Hmmm ... Potent impotency ...
Or, Impotent potency ...
All the same ... Just twisted ....
A sly aim at impotent humans ...
And, potent possibilities.

You really have to wrack your brains ...
The grey matter to fathom what I imply ...
Commoners, thinking uncommon ...
An uncanny feeling within ...
Restless motions ...
Bladders full ...
Yet incontinence due to continuity.

Hard to decipher ...
A code written ...
In words above ...
Read between the statements to know what I mean ...
But, know not for you are but a commoner.

A common misnomer ...
A threat by and large ...
I loom large above you ...
Towering tall ...
High and mighty ...
I am the power you dread ...
Day in and Day out ...
You glance behind ...
To see if I am there ...
Tailing you or not.

Your fears are unfounded ...
Look deep within ...
The rogue who has hounded ...
Is your own self ...
With self inflicted wounds ...
You are but a shallow self ...
Of what could have been.

Do not laugh ...
Your impotency shows through ...
Potential you have not ...
Impotent potency aplenty.

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