Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Puzzle ... for you to solve ...

Come on! Be a sport ...
There's a puzzle in store ...
For you to solve ...
A riddle to riddle your mind ...
A load of crap in your hind.

There's no escaping ...
A sharp mind ...
A person that can see through ...
The mask you so project ...
A shrewd Bitch ...
You may be ...
A gamer I am ...
How can you escape me?

I shoot unruly streetdogs ...
A passion I so dislike ...
Yet, what to do ...
I have a job in hand...
To rid the World of sinners ...
Escapists behind innocent looking smiles..
Faceless names ... Nameless games ...
Fowls that I skin alive.

Come Ye! Come All ...
Under the scanner are ye all ...
You rub me on the wrong side ...
I Erase you from the Earth.

I am who I am ...
And, I know you fear me ...
You dread me being around ...
Your fears not unfounded ...
My persona is such ...
Even the greatest run around ...
They unload in their pants ...
Which you do ...
When you read my words each day.

Don't I know you trail me ...
Trail me yes...
From behind ...
Always a step behind.
You can't overtake me ...
Nor can you walk along ...
Such a sorry figure ...
Just a wannabe tagging behind.

A Puzzle for you to solve am I ....
A riddle to think about ..
Your sleepless nights ....
A general attribute of mine.

Come shout out ...
Cry your heart out ...
A melancholy and sad being ...
You are nothing but a grape gone sour ...
A tune that's gone awry.

By encroaching upon my World ...
You sealed your fate ...
O' wretched woman ...
With equally wretched fate ...
All the money in the World ...
Will not get you real honey ...
No real Love ...
Nor real people ...
Just  a virtual life ...
That's what you are resigned to.

A puzzle ... Your own life ...
A riddle you are to yourself ...
Look within and find the answer ...
Find a way outta the maze....
This is but a phase ...
You are enmeshed in a wretched World ...
A web clinging to you ...
Ensnared and desperate you sound...
In a world of make believe.

A puzzled life ...
A Rubik cube to be solved.

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