Monday, January 7, 2013

The Last Stroke ...

One Stroke at Midnight ... Changed the fate of a Nation ...
One stroke you speak of ...
A mention meant for me ...
When do you intend to use it?
Do you have the guts ....
To face the Truth?
A truth you so conveniently want to overlook ...
You trail ...
I blaze your path ...
Am the Trailblazer ...
Am the fire of wrath.

Know this for sure ...
Am not alone in this endeavour ...
The hand of destiny plays a vital part ...
May your path never cross mine ...
For I crush anything that crosses mine.

Am no Stone to Crush ...
Am heavy metal that doesn't rust ...
You are just a vermin ...
Scurrying along my path ...
And, I love swatting flies.

The Last Stroke of Thor's HAMMER ...
My Hammer ...
Shall seal your FATE.

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