Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Frontier Woman ...

Journeying across a foreign land ...
Lone woman ...
Lone battle with the demons ...
Demons within and demons outside ...
The Frontier Woman ...
Marches ahead ...
Forging a path of her own ...
Making a niche' for herself ...
Slowly yet steadily ...
She leaves indelible marks on hearts that matter ...
Minds that appreciate.

Unknown territory ...
Yet the spirit of adventure raging within ...
The fire in her belly ...
Flaring up high ...
She marches on ...
New lands ...
New horizons to look for ...
To conquer ...
To make her own.

No respite ...
Not needed rest ...
Her Army being created ...
All along ...
She marches on ...
Discovering herself ...
Destroying every barrier ...
She marches on ...
Relentless in her pursuit ...
A horrific view for others ...
Her path of destruction ...
Made anew with each conquest.

The Frontier Woman ...
Many more bastions to conquer ...
No rest ...
No respite...
She needs her vial of blood ...
Each moment her own ...
To own her...
You need to be her slave ...
Enslaved beast ...
You shall relish her beauty ...
Free; you shall perish...
In her memory.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on ...
Seeking new lands ...
Seeking new bonds ...
Destroying the speed breakers ...
The path breaker she is ...
She creates new life ...
Born of her sweat and blood.

The Frontier Woman ...
Marches on.

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