Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Same time last year ...

Same time last year ... I was brimming with happiness...
Life was a Lark ...
Singing beautifully like a Nightingale ...
Everything Hunky dory ...
A person by my side ...
Happy in his company ...
In his arms ...
I walked tall ....
Till A shadow lurking behind ...
Came and pushed me into reality.
A harsh reality ....
The grossness of which left me Speechless...
Heartbroken and hurting ...
I withdrew in a shell ....
I lashed out at him who was the harbinger of this shame ...
And, then I walked alone.

Today, a year on ...
I have let go of the past ...
Let go of the pain ...
I moved on ...
Happiness searched me ...
Found me ...
And, here I am ...
Lo Behold! Single ...
Yet happy in my work ...
Pleased in the knowledge ...
There's a someone out there ...
Watching upon me ...
Waiting upon me ...
Caring for me as his own ...
Thank You Mike ...
Thank you Papa Bear.

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