Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nostalgia ... Moments I can't forget ...

You asked and I answer thus ... Those were magic moments I can never ever forget ... THEY shaped my TODAY ... My life and my Work all based on my Early Life ... Moments that shaped my destiny ... My Success ... A beautiful childhood ... Experiential experiences  ... People that mattered ... Magic to be cherished.

The running down the green hillside moments each day after school or during play ... Running into the waiting arms of my Mother ... Yes! ... My Port Blair .... My Andaman & Nicobar Islands ... The Deer on Ross Island ... Mine ... Eons ago ... But memories as fresh as the last moments. My virgin islands of days of yore ... A little Girls imagination flared up ... A fairytale life well lived. Moments of Truth ... But, yet no trauma.

A life of great fun and learning ... A schooling that left a visible impact so obvious now in my professional life ... Dream School  ... Positive impact and a Dream School of Today and Tomorrow generated.

Those days and their imprint ... My Love take me with you on my Journey back to my Childhood ... Memories that never faded nor will ever be erased ... Memories of experiences that shaped my life ... Beautiful moments. Looking back, I have no regrets ... A friend, a Philosopher, a Guide ... Found all along the way in friends and partners in life.

My Love if you go to my Dreamland ... Take me with you ... for that would be my first destination and last in this lifetime.

The Life of my dreams started years ago ... They shall end with you by my side ... Lay me to rest in the Sea ... Fodder for the marine life. My birthplace by the Sea ... My burial ground ... THE SEA.

A dream ... To be buried at Sea... From where my Journey began ... Aqua to Aqua ... Water to Water ... Not ashes to ashes ... I wasn't born from ashes ... Am the culmination of the five elements ... seen all ... the water left to feel.

Nostalgic moments ... moments of truth ... My final resting place ... Heaven on Earth ... The taste of the nectar of the forbidden fruit ... The cashew I chewed upon ... The Apple ... Custard apples that nearly bled me to death ... The parrot parody at Akaashwani ... The berries in the Graveyard ... No fear ... Just fun ... Living by the Sea and dipping in each day.

Moments that rev me up ... moments that give me a kick ... a high no drug can give ... your Childhood lived again.

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