Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paani Da Rang ... Euphoria ...

Nostalgia ... Euphoria ...
Met him ....
In a crowd ...
But, yet felt the closeness ...
The same electric passion ...
The same intensity ...
The same body language ...
Remembered each day ...
Relived each moment ...
The rest can be erased ...
Has been erased ...
But, not the memories and moments we shared.

Then, heard this song ...
It all came flooding back ...
Was transported into the past ...
Remembering every instance.

The last look he gave when I left ...
It said it all ...
No more needs to be communicated to know ...
The flame hasn't died.

The unsaid words ...
The look ...
The eyes ...
They said it all ...
And, I smiled and walked away ... A winner all the way.