Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ...

She epitomises the venerable Little Girl ...
The beautiful Goldilocks ...
Wandering in a forest ...
Coming upon a cottage in the woods...
The home and hearth of The Bears...
The Bears representing her desires....
The Bears her fears ...
The Bears her Life story ...
Making her a fable to remember...
Each symbolising a different character that...
Brought a change in her life ...
The Mamma Bear ... a picture of sobrierity and humility ...
A lover who sacrificed all for her.
The Baby Bear ... a selfish zealot Lover ...
Who only twisted her fate ....
Changed her forever ...
Who just wanted her for himself ...
Possessive jealous Lover ...
But, Selfish to the core.
The Papa Bear ...
Strong solid foundation of stability...
A man of Character ...
Selfless yet not letting go of her ...
Overbearing yet bearing her mood swings ...
A true man ...
The mark of a man known through his actions ...
Goldilocks Papa Bear...
Loving her through thick and thin ....
Her pillar of strength and humility ...
Her all in one Dream Man.
Yet, she runs away from him too....
Goldilocks ... an amazing story of a Girl ...
Lost in the Woods of emotions ...
Lost to herself and the World ...
Carry the story further ...
In your own words ...
See the end in your imagination.

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