Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Every Creation has an End ...

What you started ... You must end ...
I shall not end it ...
I shall fan the aches ...
The pain you inflicted upon me ...
A rage that shall bring forth your end.

You started it ... You end it...
Else you burn in the same fire ...
You started for me ...
Mend your devilish ways ...
Cleanse your soul of wants ...
Your sinful desires ...
That ruined countless lives.

I shall watch from far ...
I shall snigger and smile ...
I shall revel in delight ...
Seeing you in pain.
You started it ...
You shall end it...
Else you suffer endlessly ...
Till the end of your days.

Every creation has an end ...
You end what you created ...
A monster for yourself...
A monster out of yourself.

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