Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Seeking moments ...

Torn apart by the desire to be together ...
Torn by the distance ...
We seek moments of togetherness ...
In the company of others.

We meet where the rest of the World meets ...
In an open forum ...
Under the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

In the Court of the Almighty ...
We are but innocent Lovers ...
We love the togetherness of words ...
That bind us to each other.

The nights long but not lonely ...
As you lull me to sleep ...
I know truly where I belong ...
In your strong arms ...
To begin with.

Seeking moments ...
Seeking solace ...
Seeking togetherness ...
Seeking blessings ...
We seek ourselves within ...
Each other and the bountiful nature.

Seeking moments ...
Loving each other ...
We seek happy moments ...
In feelings unknown to others.

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