Sunday, January 27, 2013

Box of Memories ...

Spring cleaning yields a lot of secrets...
Areas untouched ...
Corners unexplored ...
Spill out a lot of beans...
One such moment caught my eye...
Caught my rapt attention ...
Dusting and removing cobwebs was forgotten forever...
I found a box ...
A Shoe box ...
Filled with memories of the past.

I pick a photograph ...
An image from the past ...
Happy times...
Gala times ...
Am transported to that era...
Am in a state of bliss...
Reliving those moments...
Every photo in the Shoe Box did that to me...
I didn't realize when time flew by ...
When the dawn turned to dusk ...
I closed the box ...
Turned and walked away...
Those were memories ...
Just memories ...
Nothing remained after that ...
Just that box of memories ...
Hidden in a corner of the House ...
Home once ...
Now just a House ...
With four walls and a roof.

Some day again ...
I shall open that box of memories ...
Pick a Photograph at random...
Relive a couple of moments ...
And, then walk away...
A religiously followed ritual ...
Just to remind me that ...
Life goes on ...
The box of memories will get filled up ...
And replaced with another box of memories...
No time for regrets...
Just enjoy the moments...
And move on.

Some remain ...
Others get left behind ...
Yet some come around ...
But, none on this journey of life ....
To tag along.

We come alone ...
We walk alone ...
We go away single.

What remains is ...
A Box of Memories.

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