Thursday, January 31, 2013

He said ...

He said TRUST ME ...
I blindly trusted him ...
Look what that trust has got me into ...
A sleazy match of verses ...
A sly infested Time Line ...
All I can do ...
In defence ...
Nothing much ...
A much ado about nothing ...
But yet , he achieved ...
What he had set out to gain ...
My trust ....
My words ...
Vanish into thin air...
No explanation given for this tragedy ...
A tragedy of errors ...
A tragic shearing of my head ...
A tragic baring of my soul ...
Lying Naked for all to see ...
An evil smile on your face ...
Making me Public Property ...
TRUST ME he said ...
I trusted and ...
Lo Behold! Shifting sand ...
Shifting between my fingers ....
None to hold on to...
Tears streaming ....
I still try to walk tall ...
Looking behind if he follows ...
No, a trust broken ...
Once again ...
A stoic silence to numb it all ...
Bearings lost ...
My ship tosses in the stormy sea ...
No land in sight ...
Just water water everywhere ,,,
But, not a drop to drink.

I opened up to him ...
He read the book of my life ...
And, flushed it down the drain....
The dawn that day ...
Brought an end to a laid back life...
Changed the course of everything ...
Imposing and overpowering ...
Overbearing to some extent ...
My life became an open book for all to read.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in front of the Wolves.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in a pit of venomous Snakes.

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