Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Your blatant lies ...

Your lies... blatant ...
Farcical lies ...
Have no more takers Dear ...
It's time to do a rethinking ...
Time to mend your ways.

You have ruined many lives ...
Many hearts broken ...
Men, women alike ...
All that dislike and loathe ...
Must find an opening somewhere...
A well to drown your sorrows ...
A black hole for your self inflicted wounds.

Your lies ...
Your blatant lies ...
Your undoing ...
You have dug your own grave...
Coffin you must make ...
Of your own choice now...
You deserve no pity ...
You vermin from the gutter.

The worms wriggling on your skin...
The bosom heavy with pain ...
The giblets spilling out ...
Pus oozing within ...
That's the state you are in ...
That's the state you brought yourself to ...
Rot here and rot in hell ...
For Heaven has no space for you.

Your lies...
Your blatant lies ...
Have opened the gates of raging hell ...
That's where you belong ...
Not earth nor heaven  for you.

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