Friday, January 18, 2013

Lone Woman at the Top ...

She stands tall and proud ...
At the top ...
Strong gusts of wind ....
Threatening to topple her over ...
She stands her ground ....
Her feet dug deeply in the ground below her feet....
Yet, she stands alone ...
No one to give her company ...
It's lonely up there ...
Tears stinging the corner of her eyes ...
Streaming down her cheeks ....
She looks back down ...
Not a soul in sight ....
None that she can call her own ...
Lost souls all of them ...
Left behind ...
Souls that couldn't keep pace...
With her stride in the Journey of ascent...
She searches ....
Her eyes as vacant as the chambers of her heart...
All lost along the way ...
Success at what cost ...
A persona to reveal to the World at what cost ...
A perfect woman ...
At what cost.
There is a tug at her heart ....
A tightening within ....
An ache that's hard to bear ...
But, yet a Smile to bear ...
Pain writ large in those doe eyes ...
Yet a smile spanning the expanse of her face ...
She kept moving ...
Till she reached the Top ...
And, then there was no further ...
No hand to hold ...
Just a deep precipice ahead ...
A dark oblivion to gaping at her...
There's no turning back ...
Just a jump into the unknown ...
Living for others all her life ...
She finds none beside her after all.

Lone woman at the top ...
Lonely nights ...
Lonelier days ...
Lonely in a crowd ...
Lonely within ...
A melancholy soul ...
She trudges along the long winding path ...
Dense forests...
Vast expanse of desert ...
Oceans to cross ...
Mountains to climb ...
All alone ...
When and where does this journey end ...
Knows she not ...
All she knows is ... stop she can't ...
For that would mean an end ....
A tragic end to a story unfolding ...
A sad but true tale ...
The tale of a woman ...
From Birth to Death ...
Lonely all along.

The Almighty when he wrote her fate ...
Wrote it well ...
But, forgot in his zeal and enthusiasm...
To create a perfect being ...
To write Happiness in her kitty...
He forgot to write companions ...
He forgot to write a wealth of friends ...
All he wrote was success ...
But not a successful woman...
Her fate sealed with his mighty pen ...
She awaits her salvation ...
Knowing not when it would come ...
For the creator forgot to write ...
Salvation in her destiny.

Lone woman at the top ...
It's cold and dark up there ...
she is afraid of the dark ...
She shivers in the cold ...
Huddled and sitting still ...
She seems a far cry from the usual that the World sees.

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