Friday, February 1, 2013

Time to Refurbish ...

Just like Spring Cleaning ...
Just like breaking down the old structure ...
And, creating anew ...
Renovating ...
Refurbishing is the motto today ...
Change the old ...
Exchange it for the New.
A New me ...
Ruthless and to the point blunt ...
Sharp as a knife and ...
Having a cutting edge over others.
Non- trusting and really a really bad ...
Uncaring ; Business minded ...
Down to the core..... ME.

Time to change the curtains that allowed Sunshine in ...
Make them dark and super heavy ...
Time to change the upholstery...
Make it different ...
Change the furniture ...
Throw away the antiques and ....
Bring in the new age throwaways ...
An attitude change ...
Basic funda being ...
Use and Throw ...
Like Sanitary Pads.

Raised brows ...
Frowns ...
I care not ...
What the heck ...
It's my life ...
I live it on my terms.

Wanna walk alone Forever ...
AM better off ALONE than in company ...
AM better off walking away from what is termed a Crowd...
That's not my cup of tea ...
I brew my own cuppa ...
I have my own Tea Estate ...
I have my own paradise to turn to.

Time to Refurbish, Renovate ...
Replenish and move on....
To Greener pastures ...
God's own country ...
Or the Golden Desert ...
Or the Green Mountains of the North East ..
Or the Saffron fields up North.

Travel I must ...
To explore new frontiers ...
Travel I must ...
To see the World....
Travel I must ...
To Change it all.

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