Sunday, February 3, 2013

Makeshift Belief ...

Like makeshift huts...
Makeshift beliefs are on shaky grounds ...
Ground reality jutting out ...
From the bamboo that holds ...
The beliefs together.

One storm ...
The Makeshift belief flounders ...
And is reduced to a non belief...
Leaving behind  naked man ...
Naked in the knowledge ....
Of his own False truth.

One Earthquake ...
The trembling shaking Earth ...
The ground beneath shifts ...
The make-believe thoughts ,,,
Of a weak man...
Lose their faith in him.

One Tornado ...
All spins around ...
The straws moving in circles ...
Spinning homes ..
Spinning heads ..
Turning your make-believe faith around.

Move on from your makeshift belief ...
Change your makeshift abode...
Catch the train of thought ...
Progress from your station ...
To the City beyond.

Become a person of true belief ...
Remove the shrug of Make believe ....
Shift the focus from your past ...
Makeshift belief to a firm belief.

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