Sunday, February 3, 2013

A walk to remember ...

Long strides ...
Pretty face and tall man ...
The frothy sea beside ...
A promenade famous ...
No promises made ..
Except of friendship strong ....
Two strangers became one ...
Friends forever...
Just a plain simple walk ...
So much exchanged ...
Life took a different turn ...
Humans after all.

Two tall figures ...
People watching enviously ...
Oblivious of those glances ...
Two individuals walked on.

Since time immemorial ...
I have taken these walks ...
Along the same promenade ...
Just the person walking beside ...
Changed each time ...
But friendship ... Friends remained ...
Partners changed ...
Thoughts remained ...
Memories of yesteryear linger on ...
Faces changed.

The frothy sea remained ...
The tempestuous Ocean stayed put ...
The sand beneath my feet shifted ...
But the grains remained....
The rocks stood their ground ...
Unwavering and solid ...
The lovers changed ...
But their actions remained.

The same Chaiwallah ...
The same Peanut seller...
The same Buildings behinds ...
The same Coffee shop by the seaside....
The same Moon and stars ...
The same night sky ...
The same ME ...
But the person beside me changed.

A walk to remember...
Each time ...
A beautiful relationship ...
Friends for life they remain ...
Albeit in the shadows of the night.

A walk to remember ... Indeed.

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