Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Write ...

I write ...
Because I wanna write ...
I write not to please others ...
I write not to seek attention ...
I write to pour my heart out ...
I write for my satisfaction ...
I write for the sake of writing ...
I write to keep alive what's within me ...
I write to keep me alive.

The words that express...
The words that convey ....
The words of wisdom ...
The words of despair ...
The words that seethe with anger ...
The words that became Me ...
The words that shook his World ...
The words that shook the World ...
The words that describe Me ...
The words that open up wounds ...
The words of Love ...
The words of hope ...
The words of undying relentless kindness ...
I write those words everyday.

Statements ... Profound ones that too ...
That set me apart from the rest ...
Phrases that made His Story history ....
Writings that made me forget ...
Words billowing outta my keyboard ...
Tapping away at the keys ...
I churn out a dish so authentic ...
It makes them sit upright and ...
I sing paeans of my life ...
Ballads of my experiences ...
I become one with the letters ...
That join together to form the Words.

My excitement and despair ...
Evident in my words ...
When am no more ...
Shall my children get to read...
Long winding life ...
With twists and turns ...
A story to be told.

My words ... My story ...
A story of a little girl ...
And her journey from within...
Till the end of the affair ...
She had with Life all along.

I write ...
Till words fail me ...
I write ...
Till I am no more.

The day no words remain ...
I shall be consigned to my fate...
My final journey ...
To be laid to rest ...
In the bed of Sea.

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