Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Life of Misery ...

It's a life of solitude ...
A life of lonely days and nights ...
It's a life of misery she leads ...
A make believe ... makeshift life ...
A life of lies ...
A life of flowery prose ...
Copious poetry ...
Yet, a very lonely life.
A bare existence ...
Living for no purpose at all...All her time and talent....
Wasted on lunatics from the other World.

She raves and rants ,,,
Chants and cries ...
Crocodile tears  for attention ...
She makes an utter fool of herself ...
She ends up being laughed at.

She knows not what they think of her ...
Speak ill of her nature ...
The make fun of her unskilled words...
Guffaw at her antics ...
A fool she truly is ...
Her ego high and mighty ...
In order to feed the demon within ...
She's sold her soul to the Evil.

A life of misery unfolding each day ....
Each night she retires a bit tired ...
For she is exhausted ....
Her addiction a big satire.

Her lies ....
Her blatant lies ...
Her soul ripped open ...
Her desires an invitation ...
Attract the loathsome flies to her ...
Her honey dipped yet cheap words ...
Like garbage from the dumps around.

She fumbles ...
She realizes ...
Yet she makes a fool of herself...
She is no woman to be respected ..,
But, a blotch in the name of one.

Sense doesn't prevail in her mind ...
An insane soul trapped within ...
She is but a fool ...
On a journey into her own ....
A World which is her downfall ...
Too late for her to snatch free ...
Her wretched hand covered in blood....
Muck and soot her destiny ...
A life of misery her story.

Commonsense not her forte'...
She leads her life in disharmony ....
A monotonous life of solitude ....
But no bliss in sight for her.

A life of Misery ...
A boring and tuneless sad song.

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