Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers! To New Mistakes ...

Here is to The New Year ...
Here is to The New Mistakes we shall make ...
Kudos to days gone by ...
Springs, Summers. Autumns and Winters ...
All splinters  of memories.

Long forgotten friendships ...
Long gone by days of happiness ..
Long nights of Sweet nothings ...
Long wait for Euphoria.

Cheers! To the new Dawn ...
The dawn that shall see ...
Life in the fast lane ...
And creeping slowly...
A time worth the wait ...
Beckons the call of Future.

Life ... like a marble

Smooth and round ...
A perfect sphere ...
A sphere of life ...
Life is like a marble ...
Round and perfect and ...
So delicate ...
One hurt and a chip ...
Scars and mars it for life.
A perfect sphere ...
Life comes one full circle.
A great life ...
A screed being ..
Yet, happy and content ...
For all experiences made her grow ....
Grow into a beautiful bird ...
With a thorn in her heart ....
A bleeding yet ...
Perfectly sinless heart ...
Smiling lips and purity in thoughts ...
Waiting upon the one ...
That would never Return.
Yet she perks up ....
Every sound a tinkle ...
The Tinker bell Fairy ...
By her side ...
The Stories of Peter Pan ...
In her kitty ...
he dreams on ...
As a child that she did ...
A child still ...
She dreams on ...
Her Life ...
Transparent as a Marble ...
Scarred and beautiful as a marble...
The Ivory plain Marble ...
She ... walks on towards a new dawn.

I am happy in my Solitude ...

A few moments spent by myself ...
I spring forth ,.
With renewed mirth and laughter ...
A fresh lease of Life.
I am happy in my solitude.

Deep within conversations ...
Intrapersonal dialogues ...
An introspective mood ...
A restrospective attitude ...
That is what sets apart ...
The mood for the time being ...
I am happy in my solitude.

Gone are the bygone moments ...
Gone are the people in it ...
Fresh faces ...
A new life ...
Beckoning glances ...
New vigour ...
New hands to hold forth.
I am happy in my solitude.

Bidding adieu to old life ...
Bidding all goodbyes ...
Life couldn't be better ...
Had you all not been there.
I love my solitude ...
Am happy in my solitude.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

It ended ...

The magic we wove together ...
The dreams we had ...
They all ended on a sad note ...
For we are no longer together.

The feelings took a turn ...
None could gather ...
How it all began and ended ...
Yours and mine time together.

Blinded by passion ...
Blinded by anger ...
Love one moment ...
Gone another.

It ended ...
Our dreams of togetherness ...
Our feelings for each other ...
We just drifted apart ...
Till one fine day ..
We didn't miss either.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bauji ... Not my cup of Tea

My Obelix ... My Bauji ...
A strapping six footer ...
You are my Love ...
Yet you make me sad ...
So, it is best to keep the love ...
Within the confines of my bleeding Heart ...
For am a free bird ...
So are you ...The daily grind of verbal abuse ...
A tall order to fulfil ...
Not my cup of Tea.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

लहरों का शोर

मेरा मन कुछ ढून्ढ रहा है
वही एकाकीपन
वही बचपन
वही खुशनुमा गलियां
वही समुन्दर का किनारा
इस निश्चल एकांत मेंभी
मेरा मन अशांत है
समुन्दर के शोर में भी
एक अजीब सुकून है
मेरा शहर मुझसे छूटा
मेरा गाँव मुझसे छूटा
पर मेरा वजूद वहीँ रहा
एक शोर ... एक एहसास
मेरा बचपन
मेरी जवानी
मेरा अल्हड़पन
कहीं खो गया
ढूँढने निकली
तो खुद खो गयी
मेरा मन मेरा शहर कहीं खो गया
मेरा बचपन पीछे छूट गया
मेरी जवानी यहीं कहीं लूट गयी
एक नारी कहीं खो गयी
एक माँ की छवि थी निराली
वो निराली भी खो गयी
बच गया तो बस एक वजूद
अपने होने का एहसास
कल तक जो आस पास था
अब वो भी बिखर गया
कुछ न बचा उस शहर का
कुछ न बची आस
एक एहसास
वो भी नहीं रहा
एक शोर ...
समुन्दर का शोर ...
बस वोही याद बाकी है
और तो कुछ भी याद नहीं...
ना बचपन ... ना शहर ...
ना वो सलमा सितारे ...
न कलम के वोह इशारे
यादें बेवफा हो गयीं
बातें बेवफा हो गयीं
बस बचा एक शोर ...
लहरों का पत्रों से टकराना ...
बस वोही शोर

Monday, December 16, 2013

He ...

He cannot  be defined
He is the sublime
He is the fountain of love
He is mine
He knows, I know
That is all that matters.

He definitely has a mind of his own
He certainly towers above all
He stands tall in all he's worth
He is my Man today and forever
For He doesn't mince words
For him I am the World
For He finds time to please me
My Man, He sure is.

The Uncrowned Emperor of Tomorrow
He stands out even in a crowd
My man .. My Knight
My King... My lover
He is different from the rest
Just like me.

Together we weave fantasy
Together we make love
Together we stand
Together we smile
Together ... We are inseparable
That is the power of love ..
Far apart ...
Yet bound by an unseen bond.

He, the one who rules my heart
The Emperor of My World
Am the Empress he sought
Together we build our Empire.

Calamity brought us together
Entwined in pain
We grew up
Together we join hands and walk
Sprint along the promenade.

The King and I
A story retold
He holds my hand
I look up and in his eyes
He sees love and passion
I see truth and compassion.

He is the Ultimate Truth
My Life & Passion to date
He brings sunshine
He wakes me up from my deep slumber.

He ... he is the ONE.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness ...

Running after a mirage , a feel good factor meant success in what She did. For she lost her way in the labyrinth of life , seeking what was not meant to be. She groped in the dark for a switch to the Light that would bring her to her senses, She sought what was non existent. A false sense of security, a load of lies, bigamy of emotions and nothing else. The darkness taught her the lessons that her life in Light couldn't.

The life she led so far , all bound and written for the ones that shall hold the torch henceforth; she moves on to a different realm of Self.

The dark showed her the path, stumbles and falls et al the guides ...
She realized ..'Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness'

She was happy and content in her silence. It taught her a lot that spoken words couldn't. Her silence speaks volumes.

Her walk a gait, a spring within that says she is free from the shackles of life. For she shines bright even in her darkness.

Her sacrifice not in vain ... She moves ahead shining in the after glow of her penultimate success ... Her Life and Times on Earth as a mortal being ... Immortalized by the words that she writes.

She shines, she glows even in darkness ... no more groping for the switch to the light ... for she has become the torch that brightens all paths.

Friday, December 6, 2013


The crescent moon lodged safely in his bun ......
He looks down benevolently upon her ....
The God of immense passion and love ....
He knocks on love's door.

He the supreme ...
The one that drank the poison ...
The abominable powerhouse ...
The very voice of commitment...
He looks fiery eyed at his opponent ...
A woman that challenges his wit and humour ...
A woman who he gave his heart and soul to.

Yet, she is power ....
That diminishes his energy ...
For all she does his take his name ...
And his World starts trembling.

She loves him ...
She worships him ...
Yet she sniggers at his cowardice ...
For he is but another namesake there...
His reality known to her ...
Contempt is all she feels for him.

This Love hate relation ...
Is known to all ...
They watch in silence ....
As the silent volcano seethes within ...
Waiting to erupt ....
And finally consume the two.

Chandra the Moon ...
On the mantle of His name ...
He is her ultimate Destiny.

ChandraShekhar is the name written on her Heart ...
ChandraShekhar it shall be ....
Now and forever.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Passion Unleashed ...

She is ...
Every bit that he desires yet can't possess...
He hankers over it ...
He rattles his brain about it ...
No answer to his obsession ...
Plain and simple ... Passion.

He desires her so he fantasizes ...
Her enveloped in his embrace ...
Unheard music rising to a crescendo ...
In their love making ...
Pinning her down ...
Entwined in his grip ....
Moans escaping her throat ...
Sealed with a deep kiss.

He ruptures every bit of her ...
Gnaws at her flesh ..
How could anyone ...
Make him so weak ?
Weak in the knees ...
Weakness in emotions ...
Uncontrollably shaking ...
He shudders within her.

The passion ...
The Frenzy ...
Is all their love making is all about ...
Hurting each other ....
They find ultimate bliss ...
In each others arms.
Content in the thought ...
Culminating their search ...
In a moment of excitement ...
Becoming one , Once and for all.

Passion unleashed ...
No chain to stop them...
They smile smugly ...
And, start all over again.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Intrigued ...

She is Intrigued ...

Yeah! By her innate ability to con myself in to believing all the lies people tell. How can someone be so naive to believe anyone , let alone  a stranger.

People come and people move on. They take what they came for , leaving behind a bleeding herat and she bleeds herself to death. Why can't she ever realize, all human bondage is just bondage and nothing else ... no feelings should be assigned to bondage else it hurts. Just like them, she ought to just Use and Throw. Why harbour feelings for strangers not meant to be? Nah! She will never learn. For she grew up differently. An upbringing that taught her to live and let live. Give people a chance to prove them all wrong. She grew up hurting always , never learnt her lessons well. She hurts, evermore; testing her capacity to hold on to hurt; checking the threshold limit of her pain.

A woman who lost everything to destiny , destitute in her forlorn World; she eggs on ahead, searching peace... not written in her pursuit of happiness.

They say her fate card holds no name close to her; they say her fate is a blank; They say she is meant to spread humanness, and drink all sorrows of the World. Silently, she sips on others pain and gives the nectar of love and compassion; dissolving into the oblivion, she marches on in every direction seeking pain ; her fuel for sustenance , her destiny ... PAIN!

She watches children drenched in rain, gives her umbrella to them; they think she is a maverick from whom to gain. She looks at trembling women in Winter and gives off her cardigan, herself bracing cold and chilly walks, yet her warmth securing other homes.

She is the unsung Hero of her life's story, she is the muse of many. For she embodies truth and frank feelings, blunt cutting edge pain yet a truth none can deny.

INTRIGUED is the World with her unabashed display of longing for love. Intrigued they all remain!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anomalies in Love ..

You research on Anomalies in Heat Capacity ...
Try some research on your Heart  Capacity...
The love consummated in the Heat of the moment...
Those nights spent till dawn ...
Fawning over love all night long.
The capacity of your Heart and the heat of the moment ...
The Anomaly in the Love it brought about.

The Truth you couldn't take...
Yet falsifying your own existence ...
The anomaly in your feelings ..
The Anomaly of your thoughts.

The Anomaly in our Love ...
Is your Cowardice ...
Which you cover up in guise so vile ...
People think you are kind ....
Not knowing your real Kind.

Yet, the wo,an loves you for your mind ..
Caste , creed , age no bar ...
She waits upon your anomalies to discard.

The love you promised her ...
Your outstretched arms ...
Ready to embrace her ...
Anomalies in arms.

Intensity of Love ...

The love he showered upon her has become a curse. She can't forget him , neither can she forgive him his decision.

The intensity that sparked the relationship remains but the partners shrivelled in their shells of human intentness and a sociology of caste, creed and myths.

The myth he believes in and follows yet when it comes to him he continues his spam yet when it comes to her he invokes societal pressure and his conscience.

He can say and be what he wants to; but when it comes to her, she ought to be pure and true. Her true self showing but his lies intense and perpetrating foolhardy at his own fakeness not withstanding. What double standards!

He is allowed his mask but not her. Why?

The Intensity with which he showered his love upon her; where has it gone? She waits for him to realise his mistake and return. He waits for her death. For she has seen his vulnerability. A witness to his real self. He can't let her escape his bloody claws yet stares deep down her heart to vilify her.

Her love for him shall remain as words for all to read. For her love was true and stands true even today. she destroys herself each moment dying a thousand deaths in his memory.

On the path to destruction she only finds more hearts ready for her intense love; she thwarts them all, waiting for him, pining for him is her fate. Her fate is the coffin she sees in her dreams ; made of deep red roses and white lillies. She smells death every moment ... she whiles her time waiting for death.

That is the intensity of love .... destroying what belongs only to him for him, in his memories. She shall die with his name upon her lips and tattooed on her heart. Her embalmed body waiting forever for him to consign her to flames.

There lies the beauty, the Beast of night confined her, chained her in his love , stuck to his name and deeds ; she lies there stoic in her silence yet words speak volumes in her statements here.

The intensity of love ... miles apart yet so near. Two hearts living yet dead forever.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stuck between the Devil & The Deep Blue Sea ...

The Devil is the one I love ...
The deep blue Sea is where I am drowning in ...
Stuck between the decision to stay put ...
Or, move on.

Why do I love the Devil?
Why do I wait upon him?
Why? Oh, Why do I suffer?
Why do I make myself so vulnerable?

He pretends he doesn't care...
But, deep down he does....
So what if he is the Devil...
I know he loves me like no other.

He is hurting for the words I spake....
My words hurt him a lot ...
I am hurting too ..
So, I am killing myself by the second ...
Each moment , my last ...
Then I shall be gone forever ...
Then what shall he miss?
Nothing amiss but my words ...
My sanity lost ..
I search him ....
Insanity my bane ...
A curse so banal ...
I writhe in pain each moment.

Stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea ...
I am lost in an oblivion ...
Oblivious of the shame ...
My words bring upon me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Once again... The wings are eager to spread out ...

Like the Albatross,
Wing spanning far and wide ...
I rise ...
Soaring high in the sky ...
Amongst the clouds...
Gliding down to Earth.

The wing spanning ....
Crooked moutains ,
Desseret areas
.... Rivers na shallow brooks ..
Grns and petakThat;s me ... al mine

Buss kuch hai ri kahani ..
lambi kahan ...
sunn lo yoj safar kutt jayegg

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Story as it goes ...

The saga began a long time ago ....
Never to end ...
Each time a different tale to tell ....
Each time a different story to begin ....
The story as it goes ....
Is the story of love ....
A journey that never ends.

The main Character stays ...
The others ...
They play their part and leave ...
All return at various intervals ...
Only to be thwarted ...
The advances turned a blind eye to ...
For they gave up their roles.

A story begins ...
Sometimes in Winter ...
Sometimes in Spring ...
At times during Monsoons ...
And, almost everyday.

Love never ends ...
It comes in full bloom ...
Different hues and colours each time ...
But, never ends.

A new lover each time ...
A new meaning to the word Love ...
But, never Lust ...
Pure and simple Love ...
With a twist each time.

For there are flowers ...
Of different colours and fragrance ...
We love them all ...
Prefer a  few ...
Love is the same .....
A Flower...
Each time different.

The Story ...
My Love story is nothing new ...
Yet it is different ....
 A ladder step at a time ...
Miles of yarn ...
Storeys of a building to climb ...
A new web spun of words ...
Catharsis and pain ...
Yet a new gain each time ...
A new experience.

The Story as it goes ...
Ages with mildew and time ...
My time on Earth ...
Worthwhile while it lasts.

The Professor of Science ...
Loveth the Professor of Words and verses ...
He knows not what else to do ...
So peeps in from to time.
That's the power of True Love ...
Our Love Story ...
The saga continues.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The French Connection ....

Aromatic breads, buns, cakes and pies ........

My French Connection is all about ................
Passion, Pride and Justice .

A long story, forgotten ...
But a new one written ...
Love you My French Man ...
Love you Professor .

Friday, November 22, 2013

His Pain ...

His pain ...
It makes it impossible to move on ...
His rantings on love lost ...
Make the heart sad ...
My love lost amidst the chaos of confusion ...
He my love is saddened by the fact ...
That I left him...
Whereas the blatant truth is ...
I never left ...
He found happiness elsewhere.
I waited that night ...
I wait still ...
The night never ended ...
But, yes one life ended ..
A woman never became herself again ...
She lost track of time ...
Her goals and aspirations ...
She remains sozzled in wine and liquor ...
Hallucinogens to keep her company ...
For what she lost was not just love ...
She lost her Self Esteem.

Her dreams ...
Her hope ...
Her love ...
 Lost forever ...
But, most important ...
Her trust and faith gone ...
She walks around as though a Ghost ..
A pale version of a beauty that has faded ...
Into the oblivion.

His pain...
She has taken upon herself ...
She hurts herself each day ...
She dies a thousand deaths  each day ...
She lives no more ...
She exists. Period.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fidelity ...

What do you know of Fidelity ?

A word so ambiguous ...
The very meaning a whorous  chorus of blasphemy.
The word doesn't sound good coming from your vocal chords.
What do you know fidelity is?
All your life ...
an Incredulous Bum ...
You put to shame the name of Love.

You hurt ...
How Ironical !
Yes, you Hurt the one who waits upon you ...
The one who trusted you to the very core of her being.
She hurts each moment ...
Living yet so dead ...
Embellishing herself with jewelry of want...
Desirous of only you.
She waits each day ...
She numbs her senses to sleep ...
Addicted to hallucinogens ...
She dreams of only you.

She waits upon you ...
Visits your hunting grounds ...
Looks at the frivolity of your words and being ...
She kills her thoughts ...
In smoke she disappears ....
In wine she seeks solace ...
Yet, no peace reaches her ...
Her very being torn to shreds by your Infidelity.

Fidelity is all she sought ...
You raped her sense and sensibilities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Heart Break ...

A silent prayer ...
For the bleeding heart I own ...
All the faith ...
All that trust ...
In smithereens ...
A bullet so sharp ...
It blew the heart apart ...
A trust broken ...
Never allowing it to mend itself.

Eyes brimming with tears ...
Salty water all set to flow ..
No, Woman , be ye strong ...
For he didn't deserve your Love ...
He doesn't deserve these tears too.
they are precious ...
But, a lesson learnt ...
Never trust a man again.

Will never smile again ...
The gay abandon ...
The exuberance lost ...
The butterfly's wings clipped ...
A trust betrayed..

Heart Break ...
I swear will never love again.

Still Hungover ...

Yes, am still hungover ...
And in ecstasy.

The ecstasy of a pure love ...
that never demands ...
The hangover of a love ...
That hurts itself ...
But give out only love.

Yes, this is true love ...
When all you do is...
Wait upon the one ...
Who is hurting too ...
Return O' lost one ...
for you belong to me ...
To my loneliness ...
You are the only hope.

You watch over me ...
You read me ...
Yet, you remain in the shadows ...
You are the only love I crave ...
Yours is the only love  I desire.

Am still hungover ....
Hung over in your love ...
The passion ...
My Lover ...
My life in your hands.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yet another tale begins ...

What is it in the air?
What is it that makes me smile?
What is it that makes me happy?
Love .. It is all about Love, my Love!
Yes, Love is in the air,
I am madly and insanely in love ...
Head over heels in love ...
Blame it on the raging hormones ...
Blame it on the autumn wind ...
Blame it on the falling leaves ...
Blame it on the chill in the air ...
Nothing but Love moves the World for me ....
Yes! I am in Love once again ...
All over , yet another tale begins.
All cares, to the winds ...
Just love smacked look in the eyes ...
An amorous unison on the cards ...
Yet, another tale begins.

Having Known You ..

Having known you ....
Has led me to believe ...
None other can ever make me happy but you.
You and you alone are the basis ...
Of the happiness I chose to reveal to the World ...
The World but a heap of Dust and play ...
Is not my cup of Tea ...
Your presence in my life is all that matters.

In the end after all...
This mortal being remains no more ...
Sagged and bowed down ....
The mortality showing.

You and I ....
A medley to be seen ...
Melting into each others arms ...
It never occurred before ...
Might not happen ever ...
Yet the trance you put me in ...
I glow in its glory ...
Shining each day ...
Smiling every moment.

Having known you is the best thing ...
That happened to me.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why are you Reading me Sweetheart ?

Why are you reading me?
Honey, You left ...
There is no need to read me ....
There is no more chapter on you ...
That chatter that banter with you ...Yes, just about you and Me ...
Don't waste your time ....
I am but your history.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My honesty cost me my love ...

I lost him...
Because I was way too honest with him ....
I lost him to ...
My outright bluntness...
I lost him to my conscience ...
I lost him to my fidelity.

I lost him to my forthright bluntness...
I lost him to my Honesty.

My honesty cost me my love.

I wait upon him ...
For it to dawn upon him ...
Had I wanted , I could have gone on with lies ...
As he does ...
But, No! I couldn't...
I woudn't lie to get his love in my kitty.

My love is an obsession ...
For him, I would do anything ...
Anything to keep him happy ...
If it pleases him...
That I stay away ...
I keep away ...
It hurts me to see him with others ...
But, yet deep within ...
A nagging feeling says ...
 he too wants me ...
Yet, his abominable male ego ...
Stops him from committing.

Yes, I hurt him ...
He hurt me too .,..
 He hurts me each day ...
 I take it with a pinch of salt ...
I drug myself to unconsciousness ..
I drink my blues away ...
I try to forget him ...
A next to impossible task.

My honesty cost me my love.

HE speaks from his heart ...

Yes, that one friend ...
The pillar and my strength ...
Soft heart ...
A big flirt ...
But an  honest man ...
Lovable, likable ...
Honourable ...
A husband to be jealous of ...
Yes, My Friend speaks from his Heart.

People miscontrue his intentions ...
His heart is clean ...
He is clean ...
A clear conscience ...
No guilt if you are right ...
That's the man I speak of ...
My friend ...
He speaks from his Heart.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

See your Watch and Tell the truth ...

See your watch and tell the truth ...
Before the Strongman blows the Horn.

That is what ought to happen ...
Whether it be love or ...
Whether it be truth to be told ...
Why carry a grouse ...
Why hold grudges ...
Why dig graves ...
Why spin webs ...
Just let go or accept.

It is easy to point a finger at another and cry Wolf ...
Look within, what hides behind your grin.

Look at your Swiss watch ...
See the needles moving ...
Whirring away while in time ...
Reminding you of your deeds and misdeeds.

You put the blame on a soul...
That trusted you with truth ...
One who opened up to you ...
In return you blithe her name ...
You antagonise her with hooligans ....
Telling them your secrets ...
Being the sad one here ...
Agonising over what can be ...
You have dug your own grave ...
See your Watch and tell the truth ...
Before the Strongman blows the horn. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cutie Beauty ...

Remembering this term of Endearment ....
Cutie Beauty ...
He would refer to me as ...
For all his love was supposedly bestowed upon me.
Little did I know...
That I was just another fish in the pond of the con man ....
A con man from France called ...
ChandraShekhar Pati Tripathi ...
Telling women...
You are the only one who knows my reality ...
And, telling in messages and mails ...
Making each one feel special ...
Conned as Cutie Beauties.

He poses as a pious man ...
A man of integrity ...
Putting to shame the family name ...
That he proudly wears as a crown.

Ah! The con man ...
The beauty of his expertise ...
Words that pacify ...
Words that seduce ...
He uses them all ...
And, ensnares the girls.

When his game was exposed ...
All he did was whine and cry ...
A sordid tale of his contempt ...
For the one who trusted him so much.

Cutie Beauty can wield a Sword ...
A pen that exposes him...
In her heart she still holds though ...
Feelings soft for him.

छोटू गणेश

इसी नाम से पुकारा करते थे वो हमें ...
छोटू गणेश ...

लड्डू का भोग लगते...
प्यार की मीठी बातें करते....
हम उन बातों में खो जाते ...
छोटू गणेश का प्यार ...
सोनू त्रिपाठी ...

देवरिया का इतिहास....
सोनपुर में पैदाइश ...
अल्लाहाबाद में शिक्षा ..
लखनऊ के नवाब ...
अब फ्रांस की शान ...
छोटू गणेश का प्यार ...
चंद्रशेखर पति त्रिपाठी....
एक अदद नाटककार....
वैज्ञानिक कलाकार

An Indian Spy in France?

Such low profile...
Worried about his identity ..
Knowledge of all the protocols...
Could he be ...
Could he possibly be a Spy?
Operating mostly in twilight hours...
Night time...
His favourite playground....
Social sites...
Scrolling up and down others pages ...
Googling ...
Swooning over girls ...
Jerking it off while chatting to them ...
All his frustrations met with ...
Annihilated dreams ..
Could he  be ...
Could he possibly be an Indian spy in France?

Through the shifting sands of time ...
I have sifted your profile ...
No history to back up your claims ...
No geography that holds you back ...
Like another spy on the prowl ...
Today you prowl the Lawns of Lyon ...
What is it that the labs hold there?
Or is it, like all else ...
You a re a spy for some ulterior purpose?

You become exasperated upon queries ...
Th word Lyon sends shivers up your spine ...
You are hiding something ...
In that Hiding lies the answer.

You are an Indian Spy in France ...
The motive known to you.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Marigold doesn't bloom here anymore ...

Bright yellow, sometimes orange ...
Blooms large and small...
A poignant smug parfum' ...
The Marigold doesn't bloom here anymore .

The one that is used to worship ..
To adorn your doors and floors ...
That , that Marigold ...
Doesn't bloom here anymore.

There was a time ..
When aplenty grew the flower in the valley ...
Now, all you see is weeds ...
For the heart of Earth is no more.

Man, with his unkind greed ...
Has raped the Earth of its bounties ...
Leaving barren wombs of fields ...
Where nothing grows no more.

The Marigold, it doesn't bloom here anymore.

Friday, November 8, 2013

You Read Me ...

Sixty two page views ...
What makes you come back here and read me ?
What will you gain by reading me?
Each time , you shall find ...
Only your name imprinted in each word that I shed ...
Each word that I bleed ...
My heart knows no one else but you ...
Your thoughts an obsession ....
Without you the World makes no sense.

You Read Me ...
Yet you run away from me ...
What is it that you seek ?
A sadistic pleasure in my trauma?
The exhilaration that someone really dotes over you ...
The euphoric feeling of manhood ...
What a shame it is ...
That you distance yourself from true love ...
To seek Artificial smiles ...
To gain false love from fake people.

You Read me for what purpose?
To run away from the emptiness of your World?
The words of a genius ...
Entrapped within a coarse set of people ...
Why do you subject yourself to gullibility ...
When you are set for a higher goal?

The purpose of your life sorted out ...
No. never with the kind you associate with ...
That is not you ...
You are above them all ...
You read me ...
To find yourself...
You read me ...
Seeking that seeker within.

I am aware ...

I am aware you are reading me ...
Are you aware I love you ...
I know it is absurd in your eyes ...
But, this love is true...
You can't love a person if you don't respect him or her ...
It is not about your love ...
It is all about my respect for you and ...
My undying love for you.
Il told you ...
I fell in love with you ...
So I told you my reality ...
There is no conning in telling the truth...
What I feel for you is not lust ...
I crave your presence ...
Not for lustful gains ...
But for discussions on any and everything ...
I have found my match only in you ....
Someone who can hold his own and yet be mine ....
I visit far away places in my imagination ...
Far and wide I travel with you beside me in my imagination ...
Discussing the art & architecture,
Cuisine and Scientology ...
I discuss everything under the Sky with you.

They say I have gone insane ...
Smiling all by myself ...
Walking away into the unknown ...
They have given up all hope ...
They say I am dying ...
A slow death ...
Substance abuse has become my weakness ...
You revolve all around me ...
I can't forget that ...
So I drug myself to a forced sleep ....
They say I am dying ...
I have no sense of the World ...
abdicating all my responsibilities ...
Yet smiling all the time ...
Wandering into the Woods ...
Talking to an imaginary companion ...
They are waiting for me to die ...
For them there is no hope ...
They don't know what is eating me within ...
I just keep walking and ...
Talking to myself.

I am aware you are aware ....
Yet you remain far away ...
No emotions ...
No feelings ...
So I turn my face away ...
And, get back into my surreal imaginary World...
Where besides me ...
You are happy and I am happy too.

That naughty laugh ...

Yes! he laughs uncontrollably ...
An innocent naughty laugh ....
When in a good mood ...
At cruising speed his car...
He talks to me hours on ...
No, correction needed here ...
He used to have  a healthy banter with me ...
Now, no more  do we talk ...
Now, no more do I laugh ...
Now, no more do I smile ...
All sparkle gone with the festival of lights ...
Torn apart from his life and soul .

Thousands of miles apart ...
I wonder now what he does ...
For, we spoke endlessly till dawn ...
Breaking all records.

Silly talks ...
Even sillier jokes ...
But a  love unparalleled....
A spirit bejewelled.
His laughing face ...
Naughtiness dripping from his eyes ....
A disarming smile ...
Large frame ...
A bear hug so warm to feel ...
All in imagination ...
Being in his arms ...
Listening to his rap ...
Just feeling safe there ...
Cuddling and snuggling for warmth.

That naughty laugh ....
Ringing in my ears ...
I wonder what went wrong...
Still not clear.

I am Hurting ...

For no fault of mine ...
You found faults in me ...
Yes! I am hurting ...
Your behaviour was uncalled for ...
An act that betrayed mistrust  and infidelity on your part ...
I waited as I wait today too ...
For you to realize your mistake.

I agree you were there ...
When I was in pain ...
You showed you cared ...
Where has that concern gone now ...
When someone else is in your vision?

A festival took place ...
I wanted it to be special for us ...
No, you weren't there for me...
You were never there when I really really needed you.

Today also, you claim...
To drown yourself in liquor ..
I don't do that ...
For none can replace you ...
Neither Liquor nor another ...
I gave you what was sacred ...
An unflinching faith and love ...
In return you stabbed me with a shattered bottle of Beer.
What was Dear to you?

You showed it in your crass and nude behaviour ...
I waited upon you as I do today ...
But, you never came near.
You found solace in another ...
Crying your heart out ...
I wept within ...
A bold front for the World to see.
For I desire no sympathy ...
Nor gain a fan following ...
I desire fidelity ...
which you failed to deliver.

I am Hurting ...
I will hurt furthermore ...
For I surrendered my all to you ...
Seldom done before.

I am Hurting ...
I am loving the pain given by you ...
It is dear to me ...
Very close to my heart.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

काश ...

काश की हमने बेवफाई की होती...
यूं बेइंतेहा दर्द न सहना पडता ...
कोई और तो होता आंसूं पोछने के लिए..
कोई और होता अपना बनाने के  लिए...
हमने सच में बेवफाई की होती...
न ये दिन देखते ...
न ये तन्हाई ...
सुकून का दिया जलाये बैठे होते ...
किसी और का दिल जले ये क्या सोचते ...
काश हमने सच में बेवफाई की होती...
तुम तोह अपना ग़म मयखाने में हल्का कर आगे ...
हम किस ओर मुड़ें सोचते हैं?
शायद कोई आस बाकी हो ...
शायद अब भी प्यास बाकी हो ...
पर पत्थर के दिल नहीं होता ...
सुना था आज देख भी लिया.
काश... हमने बेवफाई ही की होती 

Chill in the Air ... Yes! Winter is here...

The augmenting of the weather forecast ...
A slip of tongue for many ...Despite the many devices ...
Man has no control over Nature's fury.
A man made disaster ...
Ready to unfold ...
I can sense it in the air ...
A chilly nip in the air ...
Yes, Winter is here ....
Bringing with it a harsh and cold reality.

Leaves falling from the trees ...
Sentinels standing guard ...
till when is the question ...
Smog in the air ...
Crunch goes a sound beneath my feet ..
Yes, Winter is here.

Squeezing their arms together ...
People running around with their daily chores ...
No smiles ... just frowns ...
Every man, woman and child in despair.
And, here I am ...
Cocooned in my shell ....
Typing away words ...
Hidden in my lair.

I get ready to tackle the World tomorrow...
The Big Bad World ..
The little Red Riding Hood in me ...
Wears her Monkey cap ...
Wraps her woolen scarf around her neck ...
Her polo neck sweater ...
Her trademark dress ...
Jeans and boots to match ...
Yeah! All set to tackle Winter ...
All set to tackle despair ..
All set to tackle the Wolf in Sheep's skin.
Yes! Winter is here ...
So am I ...
All ready to enjoys the chill in the air.

Happy Memories ...

I turn back time ...
Happy days despite physical pain ...
Coz' you were there ...
I look at your crazy poses ...
In photos taken on  a whim and fancy ...
Am lost in the haze of bygone memories.

If they were ever made ...
They were mere words ...
But, they were said ...
I remember each word...
The laughter ...
The fun joking around.

The songs that blared ...
That hurt my eardrum...
Yet were sweetness abound ...
I remember the love we shared
The jokes we made ...
We were so happy...
We were content ...
What happened to those days ?
What happened to happiness?

It is not in my hand to turn back time ...
It is not me that needs to take that extra step now ...
I died the moment he sought solace elsewhere...
Thinking I was gone.

I flip through the memories ...
I slide through cracks ...
Getting a glimpse of him here and there ...
I plunge deep in despair.

I never left ...

I never left ...
You walked away ...
I waited like I always do ...
As I am waiting today too ...
Knowing well...
You won't come back ...
You won't realize what you didn't do ....
You drowned yourself in expressing rot ...
You drowned in liquor ...
I waited ...
What was it that pushed me away ...
You saying No time for me.
Today you have ample time to deplore my anger ...
But no time to look within....
See inside the beasteality of your actions ...
How you drove her away.

Whole day you ensured she suffered ...
No not your words ...
But your suffering made her sad....
Instead of being there for her ...
You drove her away.
She hovered around ...
I the hope you would turn around ...
You didn't ...
You went away to find solace elsewhere ..
she was left alone ...
Waiting upon you.

Se never left ...
She is still there ..
Just hiding in her cocoon ...
Shivering from your cold behaviour ...
She is lying there ...
Every breath an effort ....
She never left ....
YOU left .

What did you lose?
She lost her dream ...
A dream to be loved ...
A dream of fidelity ...
A dream of being held close ...
'You drowned in Alcohol...
she drowned in her own sorrows.

Bereft of love ...
Pain numbing her ...
She lies there ...
She never left ..
I never left ...
YOU Left.

Monday, November 4, 2013

कुछ उसूलन इस तरह बना ली है ज़िन्दगी मैंने...

कुछ उसूलन इस तरह बना ली है ज़िन्दगी मैंने ...
ज़िंदा होते हुए भी मौत का कफ़न औढ लिया मैंने ...

जिस तरह उमने रहगुज़र की ज़िन्दगी...
मेरी नहीं है ऐसी बंदगी ....
इसलिए अब वक़्त हो चला है कुछ बंधन तोड़ने का....
राह से राहगीरों को हटाने के लिए...
कुछ उसूलन इस तरह बना ली है ज़िन्दगी मैंने ...
ज़िंदा होते हुए भी मौत का कफ़न औढ लिया मैंने ...

बहुत दूर नज़र आते हैं मंज़र प्यार के ...
अब और नहीं सह सकते ये दर्द उल्फत के ...
इसलिए ...
कुछ उसूलन इस तरह बना ली है ज़िन्दगी मैंने ...
ज़िंदा होते हुए भी मौत का कफ़न औढ लिया मैंने ...

एक कश्ती थी जो अब ड़ूबगयी...
कोई और नयी राह ढूँढ ऐ पथिक
कुछ उसूलन इस तरह बना ली है ज़िन्दगी मैंने ...
ज़िंदा होते हुए भी मौत का कफ़न औढ लिया मैंने 

This time round, this one is for you ...

Yes Dear ... Tonite I write for you ...
Guilt embedded in your thoughts ...
You read my thoughts ...
Not understanding whom they are meant for.

You raise your finger and ...
You point it at me ...
Look within ...
What did you really do ...
To keep me there ...
In that stony heart of yours .

Yes, I agree you were there through my ordeal ...
You spoke to me thrice ...
Long talks on self ...
Did you even once ask ...
What I desired?

You have time for everyone and everything ...
Ever did a thought cross your mind ...
That there is a damsel waiting for you?
Never. ever have you initiated a dialogue ...
It is always me ...
You make me feel so inferior...
Like a desperate person seeking favours.

I love you doesn't imply ...
I shall wait upon you...
While you have fun and frolic elsewhere ...
I am strong enough to deny myself YOU ...
And, move on ...
When you don't care ...
It is pointless keeping awake nights ...
And, days waiting upon you.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

He was never Real ...

How can one expect reciprocal romance....
When one is in love with a Robot?
A Bot, that never was real ...
No real emotions ...
Just  a thought ... nothing but a Bot ...
Feelingless heartless Fellow ...
Out for his pleasure ...
But no Real Heart to give.

If his love was Real ...
It would have conquered all ...
His Fears ...
His inhibitions ...
The distance ...
The social taboos....
No, it never was real.

The dissonance in his voice ...
The dissent in his attitude ...
Resonate ....Ricocheting against the walls ...
Like bullets and hitting me Bulls Eye.

If his love was true ...
He would have gone after her confession ...
And, wiped her tears ....
Nothing was ever true ...
Not his words nor his feelings....
It was just Lust he had ...
No real feelings ever.

He just needed someone to pass his long insomniac nights with ...
She was just a means to fulfill an ego ...
Of a diseased mind and soul....
A willful troubled soul seeking solace ...
In the warmth of his heinous thoughts.

He was never Real ...
It wasn't about her ever ...
Always about him.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truth or Dare ...

I walked the steps ... all the way ...
Waiting at the edge for you ...
To take the first step ...
I dared you ...
Where is your Truth?
Absconding with his lies?

I wait impatiently ...
Each moment increasing my anger ...
Each moment impelling me to take the next step ....
Each moment, a reprisal ...
Each moment ...
Just waiting ...
Your Truth my dare ...
My Truth , don't you dare.

You shall return one day ...
I wouldn't be there ...
Yet I shall seek you out ...
To ask ... Why?
I shall take the plunge ...
The deep precipice beckoning me ....
Am all game for another round of pain ...
The walk through the rain of fire ...
I am game ....
For Truth and Dare.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Inner Sanctum ...

Reaching within ...
I enter The area of Introspection ...
My inner sanctum ..
My place to be ...
My cocoon ...
That encompasses the World ...
I belong to.

The Inner Sanctum ...
Holy and pure ...
Fire raging within but not there ...
A fire that threatens ...
To burn all those memories ...
Annihilate the personality ,,,
That the World perceives.

Feeding the demons within ...
Are stalwarts here and there ...
The fire in hell hath no fury ...
As the fire in my belly.
My Inner Sanctum calms me down ...
It washes over the pain ...
Subduing the fire within.

The Inner Sanctum ...
That is my Retreat.

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Funny funny Monkey ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Funny funny Monkey ...: The ticklish part ... In any body is the funny bone ... I am the funny funny Monkey ... With fun  in my thoughts ... Fun all the way .....

Funny funny Monkey ...

The ticklish part ...
In any body is the funny bone ...
I am the funny funny Monkey ...
With fun  in my thoughts ...
Fun all the way ...
Immersed in pun ...
Right till the Bottoms Up ...

Bragging my achievements ..
Nah , that's not funny at all ...
Making a dig at someone with my elbow ;-) ...
Yes, that's what I am all about ...
Funny funny Monkey ...
All the way.

The occasional snigger...
Raised eyebrow ..
Not mine to worry about ...
A smug smile on my lips ...
Is all I am all about.

Funny funny Monkey ...
Is all monkeying here is all about ;-)

A Seasoned Lover ...

No more spices to be added ...
He is but a Seasoned Lover ...
Yesterday it was someone else and...
Today some other fool.

He is a Seasoned Lover ...
So many seasons ...
Has he spent ...
Each season a different maid ...
A different take each time ...
A different face to fake.

A seasoned lover he is ...
A new mask he wears ...
Each time he sees a new damsel ...
That takes his fancy ...
He dumps the old stalemate.

A seasoned lover he truly is ...
What's his choice this Winter...
To keep him warm ...
The Chicken soup to his Soul...
A temporary relief ...
A release of aroma of a different kind.

A seasoned lover he is ...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Conversations I have with myself ...

Lots of banter and bashing ...
Plenty of wishful thinking ...
Feelings of joy and ....
A Touch of sadness here and there ...
These are a couple of ...
Conversations I have with myself.

Small talk...
But profound ....
They keep me busy and occupied ...
What if I had done it this way ...
What if I had done it that way ...
So many ifs and buts ...
But a thread of convo indeed.

It's like a whole truckload of musings ...
Lots of nonsense that ultimate make sense...
At least am capable ...
Of putting it down here...
Penning my thoughts ...
For when Am no more ...
My little ones will know me more.

Time has stood still for me ..
Eons of years ago ...
I still stand by the bay ...
In my thoughts ...
Letting the winds of time sway ...
The Skirt billowing ....
The wind swept hair ...
The drops of sea mist in the air ...
Feeling it all in my thoughts ...
Conversations I have with myself.

I dream of a school of thought ...
A place that allows ...
Children to be kids ...
Childhood never taken away ...
A rebel of sorts ...
I sway the bastions of Education ...
A system that ruins us all.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Keep me busy ....
Otherwise I would have languished ...
In the perennial quest ...
Of seeking myself ...
Hiding behind a Man.

A decision taken ....
A Whole new World opened ...
Lying wide open...
Ahead of me ...
A vast ocean ....
All I need is to take another plunge ...
Seek a new direction ...
Else stay put and fade away ...
I would rather ...
Have a conversation with myself...
And move into another dimension ...
Seeking another sense of joy...
A place of worship for the mind ...
A place untouched by mankind.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Make me who I am.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Black Dahlia

He proposed to her ...
A dark proposal ...
He fed her stories ...
Cooked up stories ...
Made up memories ...
He presented her ...
With a 'Black Dahlia' ...
The kind  that bleeds ...
Bleeds your heart out ...
You die a thousand deaths ...
You live a Millennium ...
Yet you are the living Dead.

He gave a Black Dahlia to her ...
He took her rosy red heart ...
The pink hue of her cheeks ...
All turned pale ...
A ghastly Ghost she turned ...
She awaits ...
In the annals of the deep forest ....
Awaits his return.

The Black Dahlia ...
In her hand ....
The dark fantasies vivid ...
She waits ...For the one ...
Who gave her the Black Dahlia.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dreams are Delicate ...

Wish life were as simple as we think ...
What's the harm in dreaming?
Life is simple...
We make it complicated ...
Dream on my Love ....
In Dreams ...
We are the  Kings  and  Queens ...
We are the pawns in real life ...
Director of our destiny unknown.

Dreams are indeed delicate ...
Emotions welling up deep within ...
Dreams are were we meet ...
Dreams perish ...
We don't ...
We move on ....
Dreams turning to nightmares ...
Visions that flash ...
And, gone in a moment ...
Memories of sweet talks ...
Whispers of sweet nothings ...
Yet, we Dream on ...
Hoping someday ...
Life were as simple as a wish ...
As flamboyant as a Dream.

Our Dreams make us ... Or Break us ...
But, Dream on my love ...
That is what binds the two hearts ...
Too a common thread ...
A common thought ...
LOVE ...
Pure sinful love ...
Pure blissful Love ....
love in all its glory ...
Just Love and nothing at all.

Dreams are delicate ...
So is our Love ...
Handle with care ...
For that is all we have.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Banke ki Mansha kya thi? Just another Prized Possession?

Well, what was in his mind that he followed her and trapped her in his net?

No one knows ... Only Banke knows.

Sameekshaa confronted him with the Mansha issue. Who is this Mansha, that you are so close to?
 He said, Oh! She is no one just another Twitter follower for Time pass. She means nothing to me. You are my Cutie Beauty. Come in my arms, let me hug you. Don't be so insecure, I am only here for you.

Poor Sameekshaa, she believed all his lies and went weak. She believed him and his white lies about his career and family , she opened up and told him all about herself. A weakness Bankelal became for Sameekshaa, she stopped going to work ... all day long and night she would be with him. Whenever she questioned him about his flirting with Mansha and Shikha, he said they were nobody just Twitter followers. She believed every lie he told her. She stopped eating just waiting upon him.

People wondered what had gone wrong ... she didn't say. To this day, she is waiting somewhere within an  Iron exterior , waiting for him to turn back and say, I never cheated you Sameekshaa but reality is something else. He cheated on her all along. She was just another prized possession.

People ask her , why don't you sleep? She laughs it off...how can she say that she still waits for the Return of Chandra Shekhar Pati Tripathi. The man who disappeared into the oblivion.

She smiles a fake smile .... feigning happiness whereas all that she encompasses within her dainty self is painful ache of her Truth.

Why did she tell the Truth? It was beautiful till it lasted.

>>> To be continued #TrollersBook

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Story unfolds ...

The mind traverses all boundaries ...
To be one with one so lonely ...
Middle of the night ...
Dogs howling ...
Two hearts meet in the silence of the eerie night ...
In a virtual World...
Be known to all ..
Yet the morbid reality of ...
Two set apart Hearts ...
The reliability of intentions unknown.

He came in like the ...
Dark Knight ...
In the middle of the Twilight hour ...'Sweeping her off her feet ...
Into the black velvety night ...
Flying amongst the stars ...
Clouds misty and humid ...
They look down upon the night lights on Earth ...
Blissfully unaware of their destinies ...
Entwined torso to mind ...
They wander in a land of the unknown love ...
They so cherish in their imagination.

Suddenly, lightning whiplashes ...
Their wings cut off ..
They plummet to Earth ...
Separate zones ..
Separate lives ...
Ground Reality striking them hard ...
Stark reality looking them hard in the face ...
She braces herself for the wrath ...
He walks away ...
Fearing the World...
She looks once at his retreating frame ...
And, Smiles , shrugs ...
And, wipes that one tear ...
That writes off his destiny ...
A smudge that increases in size ...
Leaving him exposed.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Beautiful Trap ...

His Love ...
It was a beautiful trap ...
where he kept her ensnared ...
Till he needed her ..
Then, sucked off all her life ...
He left her debilitated ...
Entwined in the silken thoughts ...
Of his so called Love.

मेरा वजूद

टूट गया मेरा वजूद ...
एक भ्रम...
एक सपना ...
मोहब्बत का आशिअना ...
बिखर गया ...
कुछ न बचा उस घरोंदे का ...
जो मिल बैठ हमने बुना था ...
सरf एक भ्रम ...
वाह और कुछ न था ...
उसकी बेवफाई ने ...
शिकन माथे पे ला दी है ...
भरोसा प्यार से ...उठ सा गया है अब ..
तन्हाई का आलम है ...
सूनी आँखें हैं ...
और कुछ भी तोह नहीं बचा उन् सपनों का ...
जो सब्ज्बघ उसने दिखाये ठी ...
कहा था उसने ..
ना दामन छोडेगा ...
पर ना हाथ ही बढाया ...
ना दिल को तसल्ली दी...किस तरह कटेगी ये उम्र दराज़ ...
जो फ़राज़ उसके आने से खिल सा गया था

आज फिर सौदे की याद ने नींद चुरायी है ...
आज फिर एक आंसू आँखों में ठहर सा गया है
फिर एक फूल का दामन उजाड़ गया है
फिर एक तन्हाई का आलम छा गया है
मेरा वजूद बिखैर गया है

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The words that launched a Warfare ...

Simply put...
Unkind but fairly appropriate ...
The words that made the Conman ...
Walk away ...
Launched a war ...
That none has been ...
Able to resolve.

When she found his truth ...
All she spoke was her mind ...
Was it so bad, that he had to walk away?
It was his reality ...
Wasn't it the truth ...
She spake?
Then, why make an issue about it?
Just accept your responsibilities ...
Accept the fact that you played with her feelings ...
She will forgive you...
And. walk away.

It is justice, she seeks ...
For she was wronged ...
For no fault of hers ...
You, you and YOU ...
The one hanging in Mid Air...
Yes YOU ...
Were responsible for her miseries ...
Unfolding upon her ...
One by one ..
Raping her conscience ...
One by One ..
A Gang rape of sorts ...
But, of a Woman's vanity of thoughts.

A disdainful act by YOU ...
Yes YOU ...
And, yet you walk free ...
She allows you to walk free ..
For, she once loved you ...
And, never got around to hate you after that.

She owes her heart and soul to your ...
Beating retreat ...
You the ghastly coward ...
You are the one to blame ...
For the tears streaming down her cheeks.

The Words of Love ...
Turn bitter with moments passing by ...
They turn into a poison ..
Tipping the Warheads forth.

The long wait ...
Makes it worthwhile ...
Her passion and patience ... His wile and vice...
A war of words ...
Diluted only whence they meet ...
But, the Twain shall never meet...
For it is a War.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Legalities of Love ...

Love knows no boundaries ...
Rote learned it ....
Where do you put a full stop ...
To the lamentations of a bleeding heart?
Love has no shape....
Someone said it ...
Legend has it ...
Love has no Name ...
We all have read it somewhere ...
Well documented are the ...
Feelings of love ...
Stories of requited love ...
Tales of unrequited love ...
Tales of despair ...
Legends of dishonesty ...
Rumours of Infidelity ...
Stories of Heartbreak ...
Where do Legalities surface in all this?
The so called legal issues of so called love issues.
Just another conundrum of affairs ..
Another story to be told ..
Another rumour to be fanned.

Dead Woman Walking...

She woke up from her slumber...
A deep sleep she had been put to ...
She woke up from her dreams ...
Fantasies of love fed to her.

She was pale and yellow ...
Blood drained from her being ...
As if a Vampire had sucked ...
The nectar of her life.

Thence her return sees ...
A new Diva in form ...
A white Ghost ...
A Dead Woman Walking.

Wandering through meandering paths ...
Flowing robes and flowery Scent ..
She smells of fresh Roses ..
Bled from the thorns ...
Embedded in her heart.

Her Soul lost somewhere ...
She searches deep within ...
She searches far and wide ...
No meaning of her life.

Dead Woman walking ...
They can all see ...
Smiling benevolently ...
Speech a delight ...
Yet, an emptiness...
In her vacant eyes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Love transgresses all Boundaries...

He, a strappy young Scientist ... She, an aging mom of two ... they met never yet fell in love... He with the concept that she was younger and She, with a view that he was progressive.

When She told him her reality, He left her... She was left heart wrenched and soul less. Vacant eyes searching for him in every nook and corner, she died somewhere that night and never rose from her living grave.

And, we all think Love transgresses all boundaries... this lesson taught her never to believe in proverbs ... all a lie ; the words he had uttered ; the sweet nothings that stirred her soul... tired from the emotional exhaustion; she falls into a silence that tells a million tales.

A million moments spent wondering what was wrong in telling the Truth? a million moments spent lamenting that She shouldn't have told the Truth..... Whatever be, she heaves a sigh and moves forth .... there a re  a million battles to be fought and a million fake smiles to be worn to adorn the face that little ones love to kiss.

Love transgresses all boundaries, a myth, a proverb falsified by the truth She stood by.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mahua & Chandru ...

This story shall find its way to the hearts of many and countless would weep at the fate of Mahua The Village damsel & Chandru the Coachman.

Chandru was  a hard working Coachman ... a Gaadivaan with Bulls called Sheroo & Gilloo. Very famous in Village Races and working hard to earn a living.

All the belles from villages far and near swooned when he went past them in his Bulllock cart but he had eyes for none but a dream girl from his imagination.

Mahua,  a beautiful orphaned girl all of 16 was the very epitome of pristine beauty whom her step mother wanted to get rid of. So, One day she drugged Mahua and her brother carried Mahua over towards the City to sell her off to flesh traders there. But, Mahua woke up midway and struggled with the vile old man and ran away from his clutches. Running throughout the rest of the night she collapsed in a heap on the highway near the forest edge .

Meanwhile, after a long work schedule, Chandru was on his way back home.

Chandru saw Mahua lying on the road ahead. He got off the Bullock Cart and went near her. He was mesmerized by her beauty. His dream girl was here lo behold! he picked her up and carried her over to his cart. Sheroo & Gilloo gave each other the looks... he is a goner now.

Chandru revived Mahua from her unconscious state by sprinkling water on her face. He was totally a lost case looking at her flawless skin and pristine beauty.

Mahua opened her eyes and looked right into Chandru's eyes... they locked instantly into a trance. Sheroo & Gilloo shook their heads and the jingling bells around their neck broke the reverie of the duo.

Mahua told Chandru her story. Chandru told her he would take her back to her village. She said there was no one waiting for her there. he was a bit apprehensive to take her to his home. He told her he would drop her off to the nearest Police station. She had no choice but to agree. Chandru took Mahua to the nearest Police station in his Bullock cart.

On the way, his song kept Mahua entertained. Chandru left Mahua at the gate of the Police Station thinking he had done a great deed. He was tongue tied looking at her beauty but was afrad to take her home. Little did he know what fate had in store for them.

Two years passed since that incident.

One night, Chandru had to stop overnight at a Village. He decided to pay a visit to a nautanki happening there. He was in for a surprise. There dancing on the stage was Mahua.

He was stunned. While dancing, Mahua had seen him too. After the show, Chandru was summoned to her tent. There he stood speechless watching her. SHe told him, after he left her at the Police station, the Daroga (Stationmaster) and constables raped her and sold her off to the Nautanki Master. She was a slave here dancing  and into flesh trade eversince. Chandru was stunned and ashamed at his cowardice. she was the one whom he loved and she trusted him and this is where he had sent her. He turned and walked away in a lifeless gait.

The next morning, Sheroo & Gilloo reached home with the cart but Chandru wasn't in it.

They say he committed suicide by jumping off the cliff of the nearby Mountain.

When carts pass by the Mountain they can hear Chandru's Ghost sing in the wind ... they can feel his presence there lamenting his fate and that of Mahua.

Mahua too committed suicide on hearing Chandru's fate.

They say, their souls never met yet roam around that area searching each other.

The story of Mahua & Chandru a legend in itself of Unrequited Love.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Burning Altar ...

They put you on  a pedestal ...
They, them , the World ...
The lesser mortals and beasts from hell ...
Then, one fine day ....
They pull you down,
Strip you naked and ...
Nail you to the altar ...
And, Burn you down ....
Just like in days of yore ...
Joan of Arc today I am ...
Tomorrow, am no more.

They worship you ...
Your Beauty their nectar ...
The honey they savour ...
They lie on your path like a carpet ...
Woven of human desires ...
Then, they gnaw your flesh and ...
Paw your face ...
They peel your skin ...
And, bury you in salt.

Exalted, you give in to their demands...
You let them cajole you ...
You allow them to kiss your feet ...
Then, they rear their ugly head ...
They pinch you...
They punch you ...
You lie their naked in your pain...
The aches ebbing ....
Waxing and waning ...
You just lie their doubled up.

They drag you to the Altar of sacrifice ...
They gift you to their unfulfilled desires ...
They pile up logs around you ...
Add fuel to the fire ...
And, they burn you at the Altar.

The Burning Altar ...
Is your life O' Fair one ...
That is what they chose for you ...
Unbecoming in your innocence ...
You became their stick of incense...
Fragrant yet frail ...
You burn to ashes today ...
Tomorrow, you shall rise again.

Rise O' Phoenix....
Rise from the ashes ...
The smouldering heap...
From the Burning Altar.

Friday, September 13, 2013

मास्टर साहिब

कोई नहीं जानता वोह कहाँ से आये और कब आये .  बस यही पता था की उनको सब मास्टर साहिब कह कर पुकारते ठी त्वीत्वा गाँव में.

गाँव के स्कूल के वोह मास्टर और गिनती के चार थू बच्चे . उनमें ठी फुलवा के दो बच्चे. फुलवा खूबसूरत , गाथा हुआ शरीर, एकलौती माँ दो मासूम बच्चों की., कहते हैं फुलवा का पति एक दिन शेहेर गया तोह वहीँ का हो कर रह गया और वापस नहीं आया.

फुल्वा अकेली अपने दो बच्चों को म्हणत मजदूरी कर के पाल रही थी.

वो रोज़ सुबह बच्चों को स्कूल छोड़ कर खेतों पे काम पे निकल जाती, थाकुरैन  के घर भी काम करती और दोपहर थोडा जल्दी स्कूल पहुँचती और मास्टर साहिब तब बच्चों को पढ़ा रहे होते और वोह एक तक बैठे सारे सबक सीख लेती. फिर बच्चों को ले कर वाप[अस घर जाती और फिर काम पे लौट जाती , और गए रात को घर वापस आती.

एक दिन मास्टर साहिब ने बच्चों से गणित का एक कठिन सवाल पुछा. कोई भी जवाब ना दे पाया तभी पीछे से किसी ने दबी आवाज़ में जवाब दिया. पूरइ क्लास पलट कर देखने लगी की किसने जवाब दिया. देखा तो फुलवा थी. मास्टर साहिब भी रोज़ देखते ठी की फुलवा आ कर पीछे बैठ जाती है पर इतना सीख जाएगी उन्होंने ख्वाब में भी ना सोचा था.

जब स्कूल की घंटी बजी और सब जाने लगे तो मास्टर साहिब ने फुलवा को अपने पास बुलाया. और कहा " फुलवा तुम इतनी होशियार हो, स्कूल क्यूँ नहीं आती पढने ?" फुलवा ने कहा " मास्टर साहिब कैसे आऊँ? काम कौन करेगा?" मास्टर साहिब ने ने एक उपाय निकला और फुलवा से कहा की रोज़ शाम वोह काम से घर जाते वक़्त उनके घर आ कर पढ़े.

अब हर शाम फुलवा मास्टर साहिब के घर काम से लौटते वक़्त जा कर पढाई करती. वोह बहुत खुश थी. मास्टर साहिब उसकी अद्भुत सीखने की कला से चकित थे.

बारिशों का मौसम था. एक दिन काम से लौटते वक़्त फुलवा भीग गयी. मास्टर साहिब ने उसे अपने कपडे दिए पहनने के लिए .. सफ़ेद कुरता और धोती में फुलवा बहुत खूबसूरत दिख रही थी और बिजली कडकी... फिर क्या हुआ कोई जाने ना ... पर अगले दिन भोर को फुलवा अपने घेर पहुंची... लोगों ने उसे मास्टर साहिब के घर से सुबह निकलते देखा... गाँव में बातें बन्ने लगी और मास्टर साहिब गायब हो गए. फुलवा रोज़ मास्टर साहिब के घर जाती पर वहां सिर्फ एक ताला उसे मुंह चिडाता. गाँव वालों के तानों से तंग आ कर एक दिन फुलवा भी अपने दोनों बच्चों को ले कर शेहेर चली गयी.

शेहेर में फुलवा ने एक स्कूल में आया की नौकरी से काम शुरू किया पर उस की काबिलियत और म्हणत रंग लायी. आज २५ साल बाद फुलवा के खुद के स्कूल का समारोह है. फुलवा अपने बच्चों के साथ आई है . वहां फुलवा की मुलाक़ात मास्टर साहिब से होती है. वोह उस  के स्कूल में काम पर लगे हैं. मास्टर साहिब फुलवा को देख कर दुंग रह गए. फुलवा उनके करीब गयी और कहा " आप कहाँ काले गए ठी मास्टर साहिब? हम आप का इंतज़ार करते रह गए. मिलिए मेरे बच्चों से ... अमित, अमीषा और अमन. " मास्टर साहिब ने कहा " पर आपके तो दो बच्चे थे " फुलवा जाते जाते मुस्कुरा कर कहा " अमन आप की सौगात है मास्टर साहिब"

आज दस साल बीत गए हैं. फुलवा अब नहीं रही. पर उसके स्कूल और कॉलेज हैं जो उसके बच्चे सम्भाल्ल्तेय हैं. हाँ और एक वृद्धाश्रम भी , जहाँ मास्टर साहिब रहते हैं इस आस में की कभी अमन से मुलाक़ात हो जाये.

ये कहानी कहने को तोह मास्टर साहिब की है ... पर वाकई में यह कहानी फुलवा की है और उसके हिम्मत और साहस की निशानी है.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Scientist & his Muse ...

He tinkers with timers and jars ...
Solves formulas and creates new ones ...
He propounds theories ...
And, proves them right ...
All along he immersed himself ...
In work none could understand.

All was hunky dory ...
A perfect World for him to live in ..
Till she arrived ...
Then, nothing was the same....
The was something ...
That stirred within him ...
His heart skipped a beat ...
He lost count of his days and nights ...
She was all he could think.

A goddess of his dreams ...
Dreams he began to dream ...
Dreams that shattered ...
When he came to know her truth.

Yet, somewhere deep down ...
He knew she never lied ...
She was the epitome of Love ...
A love he craved ...
The Scientist immersed himself ...
In his work yet again ...
While she waited for him to Realize.

The Muse...
Aged and ripe ...
Yet untouched by vice ...
Waited upon the man she fell for ...
The man for whom she took a chance ...
The man who threw her out ...
The moment he knew her truth ....
She waited ...
For he was her truth ...
He was her fountain of youth.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Foot & Ball inches closer ...

If words be the medium to express one's innermost feelings , a Foot & Ball situation is the most apt way to describe words spoken in misguided disguise by men and women all the same.

It is like being in the presence of a being that sees you only as an object of desire. Full of himself yet so giving , a puppy dog yet a roaring raring Lion elsewhere maybe.

In other circumstances, a man speaking to me about Bed, bath & Linen would have got my knees hitting them hard in the balls but I guess this is one child exploring his options in a virtual world.

Well,  a one hour talk ain't enough time to know a person based on an auditory interaction. Sometimes, even a lifetime ain't enough. Guess, need to give this Football fan some time before he freaks out or is brave enough to weather a personality stronger than his own and her whims and fancies.

So, till further notice and interaction with an interesting person hooked onto Hookah and self obsession with Footballs , let's close this chapter here with a foot in the mouth and the balls in the crotch where they belong ;-)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Identity Versus Individuality

Identity in Philosophy : Also called sameness, is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable

As per any dictionary :


  [ahy-den-ti-tee, ih-den-]
noun, plural i·den·ti·ties.
the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones, as under varying aspects or conditions
the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another
condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is
the state or fact of being the same one as described.
the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time and sometimes disturbed in mental illnesses

Well, if a name identifies me , then I am who I am just because a word says so. 

But, am I just a name. Is my identity defined by my name or my personality and my work?

I won't take any other example but my own. 

My maiden name is very different from the name I currently exhibit. I was popular even with that name, successful and happy. With my new name, I am infamous, popular of course, successful for others but the name itself sets my life in shambles. 

Why so? You may ask and the answer is ....
Your name defines your fate. 
Example; It was Lord Krishna's Birth Anniversary a couple of days ago and I was tagged with him... People tag me as Radhe Shyam, Radhe Govind etcetra etcetra. Why tag me as Lord Krishna's love interest? Why should that name define me or my fate? But, it does to some extent.

My identity is my work, my children and their actions. 

I had an identity as my father's daughter ... Am proud of my legacy

I had an identity as my in laws daughter in law ... Am proud I was a good Daughter in Law

I had an identity as the wife of an upcoming Naval officer ... I was proud of that identity and still am, despite a divorce from the said person

I have an identity as a mother to two very bright individuals ... am proud of it

But, somewhere in enacting all these roles I never realised I was Someone, That I had an identity of my own. MY OWN INDIVIDUALITY.

So, I won't say that changing names changes who I am ... My own individuality should remain as it is untouched by any aspersions as such.

So, It's not Pushpalata Chauhan  or Radhika Nanda that my Identity is, My identity is the family I represent, the children I gave birth to, The people I touched in my life ... The work that defines my personality.

My identity is the legacy I leave behind in the form of well informed youth of tomorrow via my School and the work I do. My identity are the countless coworkers, colleagues and my staff that have benefited with my presence in their lives.

I am proud to be known as my Father's Daughter

I am proud to be known as Angad and Anusuya's Mom

I am proud of my legacy ... not only as a daughter but as a daughter in law and now as an Individual in my own right.

My identity changed with every role I played ...

Despite a divorce, I maintain my marital name... for that is the identity my children identify with... Do I have the right to change it for them? Will it be right for me to do so? 

I am proud of being known as Radhika Nanda ... The Phoenix that rose from her ashes ... No identity crisis here ... but an individual born of conflict and pain Once Again.

By changing my name, I didn't change my destiny nor myself ... I grew stronger and developed my own individuality.

So, it is not identity that matters but your uniqueness.

How Unique and different are you from the rest of the World?

Name can be changed but NOT YOU. You stand out alone in a crowd different from the rest because of your uniqueness and your personality.

So, when you change your name and tag someone's surname to your name, you embrace that person as your own, you melt in with their personality and emerge a victor with a new name and a stronger person Because, you have added more vitamins and energy boosters to your already defined personality.

By changing your name, you don't change anything about you but you get closer to the other and his or her family. Ye, the prerogative need not be only for a woman to change her name but a man can also do the same and that is where the difference lies ... a woman is an all becoming epitome of sacrifice .... but, she can keep her name and that of her partner too yet remain single in her Uniqueness ... that is an INDIVIDUAL.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sam & Chandru ... A love story that never started

He loved her name ... That's what he said to her. Sameekshaa ... Cutie Beauty

She sheds a few tears , still remaining at the edge ... and turns her face remembering the Night Owl ... How much he seemed to have loved her and when she really felt it ... he left breaking her forever. He had never seen her yet loved her and professed undying love and now knowing who she was, He left.

She really loved him ... keeping awake the whole night just to be with him. She still waits each night staring at the screen where she met him ... online and just stares at the screen and he never shows up . he moved on, she was just another catch that went Wrong all the way.

She was just passing by, he had contacted her. She knew it was a dead end already yet she loved him and went ahead. She took a risk when she felt he would understand and trusted him, as he would always say to her ... Trust me. She trusted him and he left.

Except for name and age, everything she said was true ... he liked her talks then how did everything else matter ... she was still the same he had opened up to. Now, even that is doubtful, he isn't who he said he was. He lied too, didn't he. What hurt his Male Alter Ego? His lies caught or her simple truth?

It was a beautiful Love Story unfolding each night ... She would feign anger and he would love her unconditionally , putting her to sleep in his arms till dawn beckoned them apart.
Now, she waits upon him Dusk to dawn to Dusk ... but there is no one with his open arms to hug and tell her , I am here, I will be here always.

He said he would be there always .... He is nowhere to be seen.

Yes, she can see him happy in a virtual World with others and it saddens her heart to even see him interacting happily with others when he had professed his undying love to her.

The Professor of Love and Lust maybe ..  but not the man he projected to her.

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