Saturday, September 14, 2013

Burning Altar ...

They put you on  a pedestal ...
They, them , the World ...
The lesser mortals and beasts from hell ...
Then, one fine day ....
They pull you down,
Strip you naked and ...
Nail you to the altar ...
And, Burn you down ....
Just like in days of yore ...
Joan of Arc today I am ...
Tomorrow, am no more.

They worship you ...
Your Beauty their nectar ...
The honey they savour ...
They lie on your path like a carpet ...
Woven of human desires ...
Then, they gnaw your flesh and ...
Paw your face ...
They peel your skin ...
And, bury you in salt.

Exalted, you give in to their demands...
You let them cajole you ...
You allow them to kiss your feet ...
Then, they rear their ugly head ...
They pinch you...
They punch you ...
You lie their naked in your pain...
The aches ebbing ....
Waxing and waning ...
You just lie their doubled up.

They drag you to the Altar of sacrifice ...
They gift you to their unfulfilled desires ...
They pile up logs around you ...
Add fuel to the fire ...
And, they burn you at the Altar.

The Burning Altar ...
Is your life O' Fair one ...
That is what they chose for you ...
Unbecoming in your innocence ...
You became their stick of incense...
Fragrant yet frail ...
You burn to ashes today ...
Tomorrow, you shall rise again.

Rise O' Phoenix....
Rise from the ashes ...
The smouldering heap...
From the Burning Altar.

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