Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I am happy in my Solitude ...

A few moments spent by myself ...
I spring forth ,.
With renewed mirth and laughter ...
A fresh lease of Life.
I am happy in my solitude.

Deep within conversations ...
Intrapersonal dialogues ...
An introspective mood ...
A restrospective attitude ...
That is what sets apart ...
The mood for the time being ...
I am happy in my solitude.

Gone are the bygone moments ...
Gone are the people in it ...
Fresh faces ...
A new life ...
Beckoning glances ...
New vigour ...
New hands to hold forth.
I am happy in my solitude.

Bidding adieu to old life ...
Bidding all goodbyes ...
Life couldn't be better ...
Had you all not been there.
I love my solitude ...
Am happy in my solitude.

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