Friday, December 6, 2013


The crescent moon lodged safely in his bun ......
He looks down benevolently upon her ....
The God of immense passion and love ....
He knocks on love's door.

He the supreme ...
The one that drank the poison ...
The abominable powerhouse ...
The very voice of commitment...
He looks fiery eyed at his opponent ...
A woman that challenges his wit and humour ...
A woman who he gave his heart and soul to.

Yet, she is power ....
That diminishes his energy ...
For all she does his take his name ...
And his World starts trembling.

She loves him ...
She worships him ...
Yet she sniggers at his cowardice ...
For he is but another namesake there...
His reality known to her ...
Contempt is all she feels for him.

This Love hate relation ...
Is known to all ...
They watch in silence ....
As the silent volcano seethes within ...
Waiting to erupt ....
And finally consume the two.

Chandra the Moon ...
On the mantle of His name ...
He is her ultimate Destiny.

ChandraShekhar is the name written on her Heart ...
ChandraShekhar it shall be ....
Now and forever.

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