Monday, December 16, 2013

He ...

He cannot  be defined
He is the sublime
He is the fountain of love
He is mine
He knows, I know
That is all that matters.

He definitely has a mind of his own
He certainly towers above all
He stands tall in all he's worth
He is my Man today and forever
For He doesn't mince words
For him I am the World
For He finds time to please me
My Man, He sure is.

The Uncrowned Emperor of Tomorrow
He stands out even in a crowd
My man .. My Knight
My King... My lover
He is different from the rest
Just like me.

Together we weave fantasy
Together we make love
Together we stand
Together we smile
Together ... We are inseparable
That is the power of love ..
Far apart ...
Yet bound by an unseen bond.

He, the one who rules my heart
The Emperor of My World
Am the Empress he sought
Together we build our Empire.

Calamity brought us together
Entwined in pain
We grew up
Together we join hands and walk
Sprint along the promenade.

The King and I
A story retold
He holds my hand
I look up and in his eyes
He sees love and passion
I see truth and compassion.

He is the Ultimate Truth
My Life & Passion to date
He brings sunshine
He wakes me up from my deep slumber.

He ... he is the ONE.

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