Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stuck between the Devil & The Deep Blue Sea ...

The Devil is the one I love ...
The deep blue Sea is where I am drowning in ...
Stuck between the decision to stay put ...
Or, move on.

Why do I love the Devil?
Why do I wait upon him?
Why? Oh, Why do I suffer?
Why do I make myself so vulnerable?

He pretends he doesn't care...
But, deep down he does....
So what if he is the Devil...
I know he loves me like no other.

He is hurting for the words I spake....
My words hurt him a lot ...
I am hurting too ..
So, I am killing myself by the second ...
Each moment , my last ...
Then I shall be gone forever ...
Then what shall he miss?
Nothing amiss but my words ...
My sanity lost ..
I search him ....
Insanity my bane ...
A curse so banal ...
I writhe in pain each moment.

Stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea ...
I am lost in an oblivion ...
Oblivious of the shame ...
My words bring upon me.

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