Monday, November 25, 2013

The Story as it goes ...

The saga began a long time ago ....
Never to end ...
Each time a different tale to tell ....
Each time a different story to begin ....
The story as it goes ....
Is the story of love ....
A journey that never ends.

The main Character stays ...
The others ...
They play their part and leave ...
All return at various intervals ...
Only to be thwarted ...
The advances turned a blind eye to ...
For they gave up their roles.

A story begins ...
Sometimes in Winter ...
Sometimes in Spring ...
At times during Monsoons ...
And, almost everyday.

Love never ends ...
It comes in full bloom ...
Different hues and colours each time ...
But, never ends.

A new lover each time ...
A new meaning to the word Love ...
But, never Lust ...
Pure and simple Love ...
With a twist each time.

For there are flowers ...
Of different colours and fragrance ...
We love them all ...
Prefer a  few ...
Love is the same .....
A Flower...
Each time different.

The Story ...
My Love story is nothing new ...
Yet it is different ....
 A ladder step at a time ...
Miles of yarn ...
Storeys of a building to climb ...
A new web spun of words ...
Catharsis and pain ...
Yet a new gain each time ...
A new experience.

The Story as it goes ...
Ages with mildew and time ...
My time on Earth ...
Worthwhile while it lasts.

The Professor of Science ...
Loveth the Professor of Words and verses ...
He knows not what else to do ...
So peeps in from to time.
That's the power of True Love ...
Our Love Story ...
The saga continues.

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