Friday, November 22, 2013

His Pain ...

His pain ...
It makes it impossible to move on ...
His rantings on love lost ...
Make the heart sad ...
My love lost amidst the chaos of confusion ...
He my love is saddened by the fact ...
That I left him...
Whereas the blatant truth is ...
I never left ...
He found happiness elsewhere.
I waited that night ...
I wait still ...
The night never ended ...
But, yes one life ended ..
A woman never became herself again ...
She lost track of time ...
Her goals and aspirations ...
She remains sozzled in wine and liquor ...
Hallucinogens to keep her company ...
For what she lost was not just love ...
She lost her Self Esteem.

Her dreams ...
Her hope ...
Her love ...
 Lost forever ...
But, most important ...
Her trust and faith gone ...
She walks around as though a Ghost ..
A pale version of a beauty that has faded ...
Into the oblivion.

His pain...
She has taken upon herself ...
She hurts herself each day ...
She dies a thousand deaths  each day ...
She lives no more ...
She exists. Period.

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