Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I never left ...

I never left ...
You walked away ...
I waited like I always do ...
As I am waiting today too ...
Knowing well...
You won't come back ...
You won't realize what you didn't do ....
You drowned yourself in expressing rot ...
You drowned in liquor ...
I waited ...
What was it that pushed me away ...
You saying No time for me.
Today you have ample time to deplore my anger ...
But no time to look within....
See inside the beasteality of your actions ...
How you drove her away.

Whole day you ensured she suffered ...
No not your words ...
But your suffering made her sad....
Instead of being there for her ...
You drove her away.
She hovered around ...
I the hope you would turn around ...
You didn't ...
You went away to find solace elsewhere ..
she was left alone ...
Waiting upon you.

Se never left ...
She is still there ..
Just hiding in her cocoon ...
Shivering from your cold behaviour ...
She is lying there ...
Every breath an effort ....
She never left ....
YOU left .

What did you lose?
She lost her dream ...
A dream to be loved ...
A dream of fidelity ...
A dream of being held close ...
'You drowned in Alcohol...
she drowned in her own sorrows.

Bereft of love ...
Pain numbing her ...
She lies there ...
She never left ..
I never left ...
YOU Left.

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