Monday, November 4, 2013

This time round, this one is for you ...

Yes Dear ... Tonite I write for you ...
Guilt embedded in your thoughts ...
You read my thoughts ...
Not understanding whom they are meant for.

You raise your finger and ...
You point it at me ...
Look within ...
What did you really do ...
To keep me there ...
In that stony heart of yours .

Yes, I agree you were there through my ordeal ...
You spoke to me thrice ...
Long talks on self ...
Did you even once ask ...
What I desired?

You have time for everyone and everything ...
Ever did a thought cross your mind ...
That there is a damsel waiting for you?
Never. ever have you initiated a dialogue ...
It is always me ...
You make me feel so inferior...
Like a desperate person seeking favours.

I love you doesn't imply ...
I shall wait upon you...
While you have fun and frolic elsewhere ...
I am strong enough to deny myself YOU ...
And, move on ...
When you don't care ...
It is pointless keeping awake nights ...
And, days waiting upon you.

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