Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truth or Dare ...

I walked the steps ... all the way ...
Waiting at the edge for you ...
To take the first step ...
I dared you ...
Where is your Truth?
Absconding with his lies?

I wait impatiently ...
Each moment increasing my anger ...
Each moment impelling me to take the next step ....
Each moment, a reprisal ...
Each moment ...
Just waiting ...
Your Truth my dare ...
My Truth , don't you dare.

You shall return one day ...
I wouldn't be there ...
Yet I shall seek you out ...
To ask ... Why?
I shall take the plunge ...
The deep precipice beckoning me ....
Am all game for another round of pain ...
The walk through the rain of fire ...
I am game ....
For Truth and Dare.

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