Friday, November 8, 2013

I am Hurting ...

For no fault of mine ...
You found faults in me ...
Yes! I am hurting ...
Your behaviour was uncalled for ...
An act that betrayed mistrust  and infidelity on your part ...
I waited as I wait today too ...
For you to realize your mistake.

I agree you were there ...
When I was in pain ...
You showed you cared ...
Where has that concern gone now ...
When someone else is in your vision?

A festival took place ...
I wanted it to be special for us ...
No, you weren't there for me...
You were never there when I really really needed you.

Today also, you claim...
To drown yourself in liquor ..
I don't do that ...
For none can replace you ...
Neither Liquor nor another ...
I gave you what was sacred ...
An unflinching faith and love ...
In return you stabbed me with a shattered bottle of Beer.
What was Dear to you?

You showed it in your crass and nude behaviour ...
I waited upon you as I do today ...
But, you never came near.
You found solace in another ...
Crying your heart out ...
I wept within ...
A bold front for the World to see.
For I desire no sympathy ...
Nor gain a fan following ...
I desire fidelity ...
which you failed to deliver.

I am Hurting ...
I will hurt furthermore ...
For I surrendered my all to you ...
Seldom done before.

I am Hurting ...
I am loving the pain given by you ...
It is dear to me ...
Very close to my heart.

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