Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anomalies in Love ..

You research on Anomalies in Heat Capacity ...
Try some research on your Heart  Capacity...
The love consummated in the Heat of the moment...
Those nights spent till dawn ...
Fawning over love all night long.
The capacity of your Heart and the heat of the moment ...
The Anomaly in the Love it brought about.

The Truth you couldn't take...
Yet falsifying your own existence ...
The anomaly in your feelings ..
The Anomaly of your thoughts.

The Anomaly in our Love ...
Is your Cowardice ...
Which you cover up in guise so vile ...
People think you are kind ....
Not knowing your real Kind.

Yet, the wo,an loves you for your mind ..
Caste , creed , age no bar ...
She waits upon your anomalies to discard.

The love you promised her ...
Your outstretched arms ...
Ready to embrace her ...
Anomalies in arms.

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