Friday, November 8, 2013

I am aware ...

I am aware you are reading me ...
Are you aware I love you ...
I know it is absurd in your eyes ...
But, this love is true...
You can't love a person if you don't respect him or her ...
It is not about your love ...
It is all about my respect for you and ...
My undying love for you.
Il told you ...
I fell in love with you ...
So I told you my reality ...
There is no conning in telling the truth...
What I feel for you is not lust ...
I crave your presence ...
Not for lustful gains ...
But for discussions on any and everything ...
I have found my match only in you ....
Someone who can hold his own and yet be mine ....
I visit far away places in my imagination ...
Far and wide I travel with you beside me in my imagination ...
Discussing the art & architecture,
Cuisine and Scientology ...
I discuss everything under the Sky with you.

They say I have gone insane ...
Smiling all by myself ...
Walking away into the unknown ...
They have given up all hope ...
They say I am dying ...
A slow death ...
Substance abuse has become my weakness ...
You revolve all around me ...
I can't forget that ...
So I drug myself to a forced sleep ....
They say I am dying ...
I have no sense of the World ...
abdicating all my responsibilities ...
Yet smiling all the time ...
Wandering into the Woods ...
Talking to an imaginary companion ...
They are waiting for me to die ...
For them there is no hope ...
They don't know what is eating me within ...
I just keep walking and ...
Talking to myself.

I am aware you are aware ....
Yet you remain far away ...
No emotions ...
No feelings ...
So I turn my face away ...
And, get back into my surreal imaginary World...
Where besides me ...
You are happy and I am happy too.

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